#if os(macOS) import Darwin #elseif os(Linux) import Glibc #else #error("Unsupported platform!") #endif /// The name of the executable. let executableName = "simple-client" /// The version number of the executable. let versionNumber = "1.7.0" /// The default IP address or name of the host to connect to. let defaultHost = "" /// The default port used for the connection. let defaultPort: UInt16 = 13050 /// The IP address or name of the host to connect to. var host = defaultHost /// The port used for the connection. var port = defaultPort /// The reservation code to join a prepared game. var reservation = "" /// The strategy used for the game. var strategy = "" /// Prints the help message into the standard output. func printHelpMessage() { print(""" Usage: \(executableName) [options] -h, --host: The IP address or name of the host to connect to (default: \(defaultHost)). -p, --port: The port used for the connection (default: \(defaultPort)). -r, --reservation: The reservation code to join a prepared game. -s, --strategy: The strategy used for the game. --help: Print this help message. --version: Print the version number. """) } /// Exits the program with the given error message. /// /// - Parameter error: The error message to print into the standard output. func exit(withError error: String) -> Never { if !error.isEmpty { print("ERROR: \(error)") } printHelpMessage() exit(EXIT_FAILURE) } /// The iterator for the command-line arguments. var argvIterator = CommandLine.arguments.dropFirst().makeIterator() // Parse the command-line arguments. while let carg = argvIterator.next() { switch carg { case "--help": printHelpMessage() exit(EXIT_SUCCESS) case "--version": print("\(executableName) version \(versionNumber)") exit(EXIT_SUCCESS) case let arg where arg.hasPrefix("-"): guard let argValue = argvIterator.next() else { exit(withError: "Missing value for the option \"\(arg)\"!") } switch arg { case "-h", "--host": host = argValue case "-p", "--port": guard let portValue = UInt16(argValue) else { exit(withError: "The value \"\(argValue)\" can not be converted to a port number!") } port = portValue case "-r", "--reservation": reservation = argValue case "-s", "--strategy": strategy = argValue default: exit(withError: "Unrecognized option \"\(arg)\"!") } case let arg: exit(withError: "Unrecognized argument \"\(arg)\"!") } } // Create a TCP socket. let tcpSocket = SCSocket() // Connect to the game server. if tcpSocket.connect(toHost: host, withPort: port) { print("Connected to the game server!") // Handle the game and the communication with the game server. SCGameHandler(socket: tcpSocket, reservation: reservation, strategy: strategy).handleGame() } // Close the socket and the connection with the game server. tcpSocket.close() print("Terminating the client!")