function tabline#MyTabLine() let num_tab = tabpagenr('$') let screen_width = &columns let len_str = 0 let tabs = {} for i in range(num_tab) let tabs[i] = s:get_tab_info(i, num_tab) let len_str += tabs[i].len endfor "Show time and current directory let time = strftime('%H:%M') let dir = fnamemodify(getcwd(), ':~/') let len_tail = strlen(time . dir) + 3 " shrink tabs to fit to screen " first, shrink current dir if len_str + len_tail > screen_width let dir = substitute(dir, '\/[^\/]\{3}\zs[^\/]\+', '…', 'g') " multibite char is recognised as 3 chars let len_tail = strlen(time . substitute(dir, '…', '.', 'g')) + 3 endif " if too long yet, shrink file name if len_str + len_tail > screen_width let capacity = screen_width - len_tail if capacity < len_str let avr = capacity / num_tab for i in range(num_tab) if tabs[i].len < avr let capacity += avr - tabs[i].len endif endfor let avr = capacity / num_tab - 1 for i in range(num_tab) if tabs[i].len > avr let len = avr - len(tabs[i].pre . tabs[i].post) - 1 let tabs[i].name = tabs[i].name[:len] . '…' endif endfor endif endif let s = '' for i in range(num_tab) let tab = tabs[i] let s .= '%' . string(i+1) . 'T' . tab.hi . tab.pre . . . '%T' endfor let s .= '%=%#Normal#' . time . ' ' . dir return s endfunction function! s:get_tab_info(i, num_tab) let n = a:i let tab = {} " tab number of current tab let current_tab_nr = tabpagenr() let tab.hi = (n + 1 == current_tab_nr) ? '%#Normal#' : '%#TabLineFill#' let space1 = (n == current_tab_nr) ? ' ' : ' ' let bufnrs = tabpagebuflist(n+1) " shows the number of windows let bufno = len(bufnrs) if bufno < 2 let bufno = '' endif " if the buffer is changed, show '+' let mod = len(filter(copy(bufnrs), 'getbufvar(v:val, "&modified")')) ? '+' : '' let space2 = (bufno . mod) ==# '' ? '' : ' ' let tab.pre = space1 . bufno . mod . space2 let = s:myTabLabel(n + 1) let = ' ' " if the tab is not current, add '|'. if n + 1 != a:num_tab && n + 1 != current_tab_nr && n +2 != current_tab_nr let .= '|' elseif n + 2 == current_tab_nr let .= ' ' endif let tab.len = strlen(tab.pre . . return tab endfunction function s:myTabLabel(n) let buflist = tabpagebuflist(a:n) let winnr = tabpagewinnr(a:n) " show only file name let res = substitute(bufname(buflist[winnr - 1]), '\v.+(\\|\/)', '', '') if res ==# '' let res = '[]' endif return res endfunction