#!/sbin/runscript # # Note: # /etc/conf.d/awful may define the following variables # # APPLICATIONS - the applications to start # OPTIONS - daemon options # USER - the user awful shall run as (defaults to awful) # PIDFILE - path to the pid file # BINARY_PATH - the path to the awul binary opts="${opts} reload" APPLICATIONS=${APPLICATIONS:-""} OPTIONS=${OPTIONS:-""} USER=${USER:-"awful"} PIDFILE=${PIDFILE:-"/var/run/awful.pid"} BINARY_PATH=${BINARY_PATH:-"/usr/bin/awful"} depend() { need net } start() { ebegin "Starting awful" start-stop-daemon --chuid ${USER} --start --background --pidfile ${PIDFILE} --make-pidfile --exec ${BINARY_PATH} ${OPTIONS} ${APPLICATIONS} eend $? } stop() { ebegin "Stopping awful" start-stop-daemon --stop --pidfile ${PIDFILE} --name awful eend $? } reload() { ebegin "Reloading awful" wget -O /dev/null http://localhost/reload &> /dev/null eend $? } restart() { svc_stop svc_start }