rst2html5 ========= * what is it? * who created it? * what does it do? * status * future * contribute what is it? =========== * a program that transforms restructured text * into html5 markup with css3 styles * that allows to post process it who created it? =============== * Mariano Guerra hi! --- .. image:: data/spongebob.jpg .. class:: hide what does it do? ================ some code --------- .. class:: prettyprint lang-python :: import antigravity the_anwser = 42 more code --------- .. class:: prettyprint lang-html :: hi


some quote ---------- Before I speak, I have something important to say. status ====== * works [*]_ .. [*] needs some battle testing future ====== * add more transformations * add more plugin options * add an authoring tool for it * promote * document contribute ========== * the source code of this presentation ==================================== :: rst2html5 ========= * what is it? * who created it? * what does it do? * status * future * contribute what is it? =========== * a program that transforms restructured text * into html5 markup with css3 styles * that allows to post process it who created it? =============== * Mariano Guerra hi! --- .. image:: data/spongebob.jpg what does it do? ================ * stuff like this presentation some code --------- .. class:: prettyprint lang-python :: import antigravity the_anwser = 42 .. class:: prettyprint lang-html :: hi


some quote ---------- Before I speak, I have something important to say. status ====== * works [*]_ .. [*] needs some battle testing future ====== * add more transformations * add more plugin options * add an authoring tool for it * promote * document contribute ========== *