2013-05-19 Version 0.2.1 Added support for CAPTCHA-protecting statically-configured URLs. Fixed a number of obscure bugs / edge-case issues. 2013-03-31 Version 0.2 Configuration file 'sp@in.conf.php' now has a new format to avoid global variable name collisions. All variables used to store configuration settings are now public fields inside the 'SP64inCfg' class, which is accessible through the global object 'sp64in_cfg'. Renamed the function 'sp64inInjectTag(...)' to 'sp64inInjectTagForEmail(...)', deprecating the old function name. Rendering a parent <span> tag around the rest of the tags rendered by 'sp@in.php'. Numerous bugs fixed. 2013-03-07 Version 0.1.9 Added new function 'sp64inInit()' to the SP@in API. This function must be called at the start of the HTTP response generation, but before the page content generation. This is to initialize the PHP session for SP@in. The function must be called before page content generation because it causes the PHP session cookie to be included in the HTTP response header (which would not succeed after the header already been rendered). If this new function is not called, then SP@in will not be able to send an appropriate session cookie to the client, and this will later prevent it from validating the CAPTCHA challenge. 2013-02-24 Version 0.1.8 Added support for server-side deployments to locations other than '/components/sp@in/'. Removed deprecated functions 'spainInjectTag(...)' and 'spainInjectTagForNonConfigEmail(...)'. 2013-02-04 Version 0.1.7 Added support for the jQuery 'noConflict' mode. 2013-01-15 Version 0.1.6 Added logic to check for whether the PHP GD module used for CAPTCHA graphics generation is available on the web server, and to display a diagnostic message and to disable the SP@in UI if it is not. Fixed email anchor link click event processing regression bug that prevented the browser from starting the desktop-configured email client. 2012-12-20 Version 0.1.5 Attaching to anchor and span tags with the attribute 'data-sp64in'. Now using new method names 'sp64inInjectTag(...)' and 'sp64inInjectTagForNonConfigEmail(...)'. Preserving the old method names 'spainInjectTag(...)' and 'spainInjectTagForNonConfigEmail(...)'. Upgraded the bundled jquery version from '1.6.2' to '1.8.3'. Upgraded from qTip2 nightly 0b294b to 365741. No longer supporting MS IE browsers less than version 7. 2012-12-15 Version 0.1.4 Updated project information to include the alternative name SP64in. Project now hosted at http://maratbn.com/projects/sp64in/ and https://github.com/maratbn/SP64in 2011-07-11 Version 0.1.3 Bundling jQuery 1.6.2 with SP@in so that the example page works without prior jQuery deployment. 2011-07-03 Version 0.1.2 Supporting mixed case mailto anchor tags. Disabling example page by default. Switched to OFL font Pecita. Encrypting key tokens with a random salt. Added banner link to the SP@in project page. 2011-06-28 Version 0.1.1 Fixed CAPTCHA entry tooltip width problem on IE6. 2011-06-25 Version 0.1 Original release.