require 'formula' def with_python? ARGV.include? "--with-python" end def with_php? ARGV.include? "--with-php" end def which_python "python" + `python -c 'import sys;print(sys.version[:3])'`.strip end def with_postgis? not ARGV.include? '--without-postgis' end class PostgresInstalled < Requirement def message <<-EOS.undent Postgres is required to install. You can install this with Homebrew using: brew install postgres Or you can use an official installer from: EOS end def satisfied? which 'pg_config' end def fatal? true end end class Mapserver < Formula homepage '' url '' md5 'b0abf53b22c6d7a7d62bbadd997307a6' head '' devel do url '' md5 'b0abf53b22c6d7a7d62bbadd997307a6' end depends_on 'jpeg' depends_on :libpng depends_on :freetype #we want gdal support if ogr was requested, unless gdal was explicitely disabled depends_on 'gdal' unless ARGV.include? '--without-ogr' and ARGV.include? '--without-gdal' depends_on 'geos' unless ARGV.include? '--without-geos' depends_on 'proj'unless ARGV.include? '--without-proj' depends_on 'fcgi' unless ARGV.include? '--without-fastcgi' depends_on 'giflib' if ARGV.include? '--with-gif' depends_on 'cairo' if ARGV.include? '--with-cairo' depends_on 'gd' if ARGV.include? '--with-gd' depends_on 'swig' if ARGV.build_head? depends_on if with_postgis? def options [ ["--with-gd", "Build support for the aging GD renderer"], ["--without-ogr", "Disable support for OGR vector access"], ["--without-geos", "Disable support for GEOS spatial operations"], ["--without-proj", "Disable proj.4 reprojection support"], ["--with-php", "Build PHP MapScript module"], ["--with-gif", "Enable support for gif symbols"], ["--with-cairo", "Enable support for cairo SVG and PDF output"], ["--without-postgresql", "Disable support for PostgreSQL as a data source"], ["--without-gdal", "Disable support for GDAL raster access"], ["--with-fastcgi", "Enable FastCGI support"], ['--with-python', 'Enable Python mapscript support'], ['--without-wfs', 'Disable WFS support'], ['--without-wcs', 'Disable WCS support'], ] end def configure_args args = [ "--prefix=#{prefix}", "--with-proj", "--with-png=/usr/X11" ] args.push "--with-gd" if ARGV.include? '--with-gd' args.push "--with-gdal" unless ARGV.include? '--without-gdal' args.push "--with-wfs" unless ARGV.include? '--without-wfs' args.push "--with-wcs" unless ARGV.include? '--without-wcs' or ARGV.include? '--without-gdal' args.push "--without-gif" if not ARGV.include? '--with-gif' args.push "--with-ogr" unless ARGV.include? '--without-ogr' args.push "--with-geos" unless ARGV.include? '--without-geos' args.push "--with-cairo" if ARGV.include? '--with-cairo' args.push "--with-php" if with_php? args.push "--with-fastcgi" if ARGV.include? '--with-fastcgi' args.push "--enable-python-mapscript" if with_python? args.push "--with-postgis" if with_postgis? if args.include? '--with-wfs' and not args.include? '--with-ogr' odie 'WFS support requires OGR. Either add --without-wfs or remove --without-ogr' end args end def install ENV.x11 python_lib = lib + which_python + 'site-packages' system "./configure", *configure_args system "make" system "make PHP_EXT_DIR=#{prefix}/lib PYLIBDIR=#{python_lib}" system "make install-bin" if with_php? system "make PHP_EXT_DIR=#{prefix}/lib php_mapscript_install" end if with_python? system "make PYLIBDIR=#{python_lib} python_mapscript_install" end end def caveats s = <<-EOS The Mapserver CGI executable is /usr/local/bin/mapserv You can add it to your system apache webserver with the command: sudo ln -s /usr/local/bin/mapserv /Library/WebServer/CGI-Executables/mapserv EOS if with_php? s << <<-EOS To activate PHP mapscript: * Add the following line to /etc/php.ini: extension="/usr/local/lib/" * Execute "php -m" * You should see MapScript in the module list EOS end if with_python? if ARGV.build_head? s << <<-EOS Swig versions > 2.0.4 fail to build working mapscript bindings. Either install a release version of mapserver, or make sure your swig is installed/downgraded to at most 2.0.4 EOS end s << <<-EOS Unless you are using Homebrew's Python, the python mapscript bindings will be unusable unless the following directory is added to the PYTHONPATH: #{HOMEBREW_PREFIX}/lib/#{which_python}/site-packages EOS end return s end end __END__