from os import environ from fabric.api import * from fabric.context_managers import cd from fabric.contrib.files import sed """ Fabric file to upload public/private keys to remote servers and set up non-root users. Also prevents SSH-ing in with the root user. Fill in the following blank fields then run this Fabric script with "fab bootstrap_ansible". """ # run the bootstrap process as root before it is locked down env.user = 'root' # the remote server's root password env.password = '' # all IP address or hostnames of the servers you want to put your SSH keys # and authorized_host files on, ex: env.hosts = ['',''] # your full name for the new non-root user env.new_user_full_name = '' # ex: Matt Makai # username for the new non-root user to be created env.new_user = 'deployer' # ex: deployer # group name for the new non-root user to be created env.new_user_grp = 'deployers' # ex: deployers # local filesystem directory where your id_rsa,, and # authorized_keys2 files are located (they will be scp'd to target hosts) # do not include a trailing slash env.ssh_key_dir = '' # ex: '~/devel/py/deploy-django/ssh_conf' """ The following functions should not need to be modified to complete the bootstrap process. """ def bootstrap_ansible(): local('ssh-keygen -R %s' % env.host_string) sed('/etc/ssh/sshd_config', '^UsePAM yes', 'UsePAM no') sed('/etc/ssh/sshd_config', '^#PasswordAuthentication yes', 'PasswordAuthentication no') sed('/etc/ssh/sshd_config', '^HostbasedAuthentication no', 'HostbasedAuthentication yes') _create_privileged_group() _create_privileged_user() _upload_keys(env.new_user) run('service ssh reload') def _create_privileged_group(): run('/usr/sbin/groupadd ' + env.new_user_grp) run('mv /etc/sudoers /etc/sudoers-backup') run('(cat /etc/sudoers-backup ; echo "%' + env.new_user_grp + \ ' ALL=(ALL) ALL") > /etc/sudoers') run('chmod 440 /etc/sudoers') def _create_privileged_user(): run('/usr/sbin/useradd -c "%s" -m -g %s %s' % \ (env.new_user_full_name, env.new_user_grp, env.new_user)) run('/usr/bin/passwd %s' % env.new_user) run('/usr/sbin/usermod -a -G ' + env.new_user_grp + ' ' + \ env.new_user) run('mkdir /home/%s/.ssh' % env.new_user) run('chown -R %s /home/%s/.ssh' % (env.new_user, env.new_user)) run('chgrp -R %s /home/%s/.ssh' % (env.new_user_grp, env.new_user)) def _upload_keys(username): local('scp ' + env.ssh_key_dir + '/id_rsa ' + env.ssh_key_dir + \ '/ ' + env.ssh_key_dir + '/authorized_keys2 ' + \ username + '@' + env.host_string + ':~/.ssh')