# WaitForConditions ## Properties Name | Type | Description | Notes ------------ | ------------- | ------------- | ------------- **inboxId** | **UUID** | ID of inbox to search within and apply conditions to. Essentially filtering the emails found to give a count. | **count** | **Int** | Number of results that should match conditions. Either exactly or at least this amount based on the `countType`. If count condition is not met and the timeout has not been reached the `waitFor` method will retry the operation. | [optional] **delayTimeout** | **Int64** | Max time in milliseconds to wait between retries if a `timeout` is specified. | [optional] **timeout** | **Int64** | Max time in milliseconds to retry the `waitFor` operation until conditions are met. | **unreadOnly** | **Bool** | Apply conditions only to **unread** emails. All emails begin with `read=false`. An email is marked `read=true` when an `EmailDto` representation of it has been returned to the user at least once. For example you have called `getEmail` or `waitForLatestEmail` etc., or you have viewed the email in the dashboard. | [optional] **countType** | **String** | How result size should be compared with the expected size. Exactly or at-least matching result? | [optional] **matches** | [MatchOption] | Conditions that should be matched for an email to qualify for results. Each condition will be applied in order to each email within an inbox to filter a result list of matching emails you are waiting for. | [optional] **sortDirection** | **String** | Direction to sort matching emails by created time | [optional] **since** | **Date** | ISO Date Time earliest time of email to consider. Filter for matching emails that were received after this date | [optional] **before** | **Date** | ISO Date Time latest time of email to consider. Filter for matching emails that were received before this date | [optional] [[Back to Model list]](../README#documentation-for-models) [[Back to API list]](../README#documentation-for-api-endpoints) [[Back to README]](../README)