# DomainDto ## Properties Name | Type | Description | Notes ------------ | ------------- | ------------- | ------------- **_id** | **UUID** | | **userId** | **UUID** | | **domain** | **String** | Custom domain name | **verificationToken** | **String** | Verification tokens | **dkimTokens** | **[String]** | Unique token DKIM tokens | **missingRecordsMessage** | **String** | If the domain is missing records then show which pairs are missing. | [optional] **hasMissingRecords** | **Bool** | Whether the domain has missing required records. If true then see the domain in the dashboard app. | **isVerified** | **Bool** | Whether domain has been verified or not. If the domain is not verified after 72 hours there is most likely an issue with the domains DNS records. | **domainNameRecords** | [DomainNameRecord] | List of DNS domain name records (C, MX, TXT) etc that you must add to the DNS server associated with your domain provider. | **catchAllInboxId** | **UUID** | The optional catch all inbox that will receive emails sent to the domain that cannot be matched. | [optional] **createdAt** | **Date** | | **updatedAt** | **Date** | | **domainType** | **String** | Type of domain. Dictates type of inbox that can be created with domain. HTTP means inboxes are processed using SES while SMTP inboxes use a custom SMTP mail server. SMTP does not support sending so use HTTP for sending emails. | [[Back to Model list]](../README#documentation-for-models) [[Back to API list]](../README#documentation-for-api-endpoints) [[Back to README]](../README)