# markdoc Markdoc is a simple way to convert documentation written in markdown into a nice looking html file. First install markdoc: npm install -g markdoc Then just run `markdoc doc.md` which outputs a single html file of the rendered markdown. [This html file](http://mafintosh.github.com/markdoc) is the result of rendering [this markdown file](https://raw.github.com/mafintosh/markdoc/master/README.md) with markdoc. ### But wait! there is more! Markdoc can also render markdown that is written inside comments in a code file. /** * * Notice the /** to indicate that this is a markdown comment * the leading * on each line is NOT required but I like it * */ If this was inside `module.js` then just run `markdoc module.js` to render it. ### It's that easy! Markdoc can also be used as a node module var markdoc = require('markdoc'); // to render some markdown just do: var renderedMarkdown = markdoc.parse('my markdown string'); // to render multiline comments from some code just do: var codeDocumentation = markdoc.parseCode('my code file with markdown comments'); ### Happy hacking! [@mafintosh](http://twitter.com/mafintosh)