# $GEM_HOME/gems/vlad-1.2.0/lib/vlad/thin.rb # Thin tasks for Vlad the Deployer # By cnantais require 'vlad' namespace :vlad do ## # Thin app server set :thin_address, "" set :thin_command, 'thin' set(:thin_conf) { "#{shared_path}/thin_cluster.conf" } set :thin_environment, "production" set :thin_group, nil set :thin_log_file, nil set :thin_pid_file, nil set :thin_port, nil set :thin_socket, nil set :thin_prefix, nil set :thin_servers, 2 set :thin_user, nil desc "Prepares application servers for deployment. thin configuration is set via the thin_* variables.".cleanup remote_task :setup_app, :roles => :app do raise(ArgumentError, "Please provide either thin_socket or thin_port") if thin_port.nil? && thin_socket.nil? cmd = [ "#{thin_command} config", "-s #{thin_servers}", ("-S #{thin_socket}" if thin_socket), "-e #{thin_environment}", "-a #{thin_address}", "-c #{current_path}", "-C #{thin_conf}", ("-P #{thin_pid_file}" if thin_pid_file), ("-l #{thin_log_file}" if thin_log_file), ("--user #{thin_user}" if thin_user), ("--group #{thin_group}" if thin_group), ("--prefix #{thin_prefix}" if thin_prefix), ("-p #{thin_port}" if thin_port), ].compact.join ' ' run cmd end def thin(cmd) # :nodoc: "#{thin_command} #{cmd} -C #{thin_conf}" end desc "Restart the app servers" remote_task :start_app, :roles => :app do run thin("restart -O -s #{thin_servers}") end desc "Stop the app servers" remote_task :stop_app, :roles => :app do run thin("stop -s #{thin_servers}") end end