import Foundation /// A type, preferably an `enum`, representing states or events in /// a State Machine. Used by `GraphableStateMachineSchema` to create /// state machine graphs in the [DOT graph description language][DOT]. /// /// Provides an array of items (states or events) used in a graph, and /// a textual representation of each item, used when assigning labels /// to graph elements. /// /// [DOT]: public protocol DOTLabelable { /// A textual representation of `self`, suitable for creating labels /// in a graph. If not provided, default string representation is used. var DOTLabel: String { get } /// An array of items of a given type (states or events) used in a graph. static var DOTLabelableItems: [Self] { get } } public extension DOTLabelable { var DOTLabel: String { return "\(self)" } } /// A state machine schema with a graph of the state machine in the [DOT graph /// description language][DOT]. /// /// Requires `State` and `Event` types to conform to the `DOTLabelable` /// protocol. /// /// The textual representation of a graph is accessible via the /// `DOTDigraph` property. On iOS, it can be saved to disk with /// the `saveDOTDigraphIfRunningInSimulator` method. /// /// For more information about state machine schemas, see /// `StateMachineSchemaType` documentation. /// /// [DOT]: public struct GraphableStateMachineSchema: StateMachineSchemaType { public typealias State = A public typealias Event = B public typealias Subject = C public let initialState: State public let transitionLogic: (State, Event) -> (State, (Subject -> ())?)? public let DOTDigraph: String public init(initialState: State, transitionLogic: (State, Event) -> (State, (Subject -> ())?)?) { self.initialState = initialState self.transitionLogic = transitionLogic self.DOTDigraph = GraphableStateMachineSchema.DOTDigraphGivenInitialState(initialState, transitionLogic: transitionLogic) } #if os(OSX) // TODO: Figure out how to detect the "I'm running my Mac app from Xcode" // scenario. // // Verify if [`AmIBeingDebugged`][1] can be used here. In particular, // figure out if this means that an app will be rejected during App Review: // // > Important: Because the definition of the kinfo_proc structure // > (in ) is conditionalized by __APPLE_API_UNSTABLE, you // > should restrict use of the above code to the debug build of your // > program. // // [1]: #else /// Save the textual graph representation from the `DOTDigraph` property /// to a file, preferably in a project directory, for documentation /// purposes. Works only when running in a simulator. /// /// The filepath of the graph file is relative to the filepath of the /// calling file, e.g. if you call this method from a file called /// `MyProject/InboxViewController.swift` and pass `""` as /// a filepath, the diagram will be saved as `MyProject/`. /// /// Files in the [DOT format][DOT] can be viewed in different applications, /// e.g. [Graphviz][]. /// /// [DOT]: /// [Graphviz]: public func saveDOTDigraphIfRunningInSimulator(filepathRelativeToCurrentFile filepathRelativeToCurrentFile: String, file: String = #file) throws { if TARGET_IPHONE_SIMULATOR == 1 { let filepath = ((file as NSString).stringByDeletingLastPathComponent as NSString).stringByAppendingPathComponent(filepathRelativeToCurrentFile) try DOTDigraph.writeToFile(filepath, atomically: true, encoding: NSUTF8StringEncoding) } } #endif private static func DOTDigraphGivenInitialState(initialState: State, transitionLogic: (State, Event) -> (State, (Subject -> ())?)?) -> String { let states = State.DOTLabelableItems let events = Event.DOTLabelableItems var stateIndexesByLabel: [String: Int] = [:] for (i, state) in states.enumerate() { stateIndexesByLabel[label(state)] = i + 1 } func index(state: State) -> Int { return stateIndexesByLabel[label(state)]! } var digraph = "digraph {\n graph [rankdir=LR]\n\n 0 [label=\"\", shape=plaintext]\n 0 -> \(index(initialState)) [label=\"START\"]\n\n" for state in states { digraph += " \(index(state)) [label=\"\(label(state))\"]\n" } digraph += "\n" for fromState in states { for event in events { if let (toState, _) = transitionLogic(fromState, event) { digraph += " \(index(fromState)) -> \(index(toState)) [label=\"\(label(event))\"]\n" } } } digraph += "}" return digraph } } /// Helper function used when generating DOT digraph strings. private func label(x: T) -> String { return x.DOTLabel.stringByReplacingOccurrencesOfString("\"", withString: "\\\"", options: .LiteralSearch, range: nil) }