/** jDoctest ~~~~~~~~ Tests interactive JavaScript examples such as Python's doctest module. Links ````` * `documentation`_ * `development version`_ .. _documentation: http://lunant.github.com/jdoctest .. _development version: http://github.com/lunant/jdoctest/zipball/master#egg=jdoctest-dev */ this.jDoctest = (function( window, $ ) { var meta = { NAME: "jDoctest", VERSION: "0.0.10", AUTHORS: ["Heungsub Lee ", "Kijun Seo "], URL: "http://jdoctest.lunant.org/", GITHUB: "http://github.com/lunant/jdoctest" /** jDoctest has to have meta data. >>> jDoctest.NAME; 'jDoctest' >>> jDoctest.VERSION !== undefined; true >>> $.isArray( jDoctest.AUTHORS ); true */ }; // Checks dependencies if ( !$ ) { throw new ReferenceError( "jDoctest needs jQuery framework" ); } /*********************************************************************** * jDoctest ***********************************************************************/ var jDoctest = j = function( examples, name, source, fileName, lineNo ) { /**class:jDoctest( examples[, name[, source[, fileName[, lineNo ] ] ] ) A collaction of examples. >>> new jDoctest([ ... new jDoctest.Example( "1;" ), ... new jDoctest.Example( "1;" ), ... new jDoctest.Example( "2;", "2" ) ... ]); >>> new jDoctest([ new jDoctest.Example( "1;" ) ]); It could have the identity. An identity is useful for debugging. >>> new jDoctest([], "lykit", "", "lykit.js" ); :param examples: the array of :class:`jDoctest.Example` :param name: the name of the doctest :param source: the source code of the doctest :param fileName: the file name which contains the doctest :param lineNo: the starting line number of the docstest */ this.examples = examples; this.name = name; this.source = source; this.fileName = fileName; this.lineNo = parseInt( lineNo || 1 ); }; j.prototype = { toString: function() { var examples, name = "", from = ""; switch ( this.examples.length ) { case 0: examples = "no examples"; break; case 1: examples = "1 example"; break; default: examples = this.examples.length + " examples"; } if ( this.name ) { name = " " + this.name; } if ( this.fileName ) { from = " from " + this.fileName; if ( this.lineNo ) { from += ":" + this.lineNo; } } return ""; } }; // Exports meta data $.extend( j, meta ); /*********************************************************************** * Exceptions ***********************************************************************/ j.errors = { StopRunning: function() { /**class:jDoctest.errors.StopRunning() This exception will stop the jDoctest running process. */ this.name = "StopRunning"; this.message = "The running process has to stop"; } }; j.errors.StopRunning.prototype = new Error(); /*********************************************************************** * Front-end ***********************************************************************/ j.testSource = function( fileName, options ) { /**:jDoctest.testSource( fileName[, options ] ) Tests a JavaScript source file:: jDoctest.testSource( "source-which-contains-docstrings.js" ); The source file should contain some docstrings. A docstring is a multiline-comment which starts with ``/**`` or a specified doc-prefix. :param fileName: the file name :param options: the same as :class:`jDoctest.getMaterials`'s */ var materials = this.getMaterials( options ), parser = materials.parser, runner = materials.runner; $.get( fileName, function( src ) { var doctests = parser.getDoctests( src, fileName ); if ( !options || !options.alreadyLoaded ) { window.eval.call( window, src ); } for ( var i = 0; i < doctests.length; i++ ) { runner.run( doctests[ i ] ); } }, "text" ); return runner.result; }; j.testFile = function( fileName, options ) { /**:jDoctest.testFile( fileName[, options ] ) Load a file and tests its content as a docstring:: jDoctest.testFile( "a-docstring.txt" ); The content of the file is a docstring. :class:`jDoctest.Parser` finds only examples(not docstrings). :param fileName: the file name :param options: the same as :class:`jDoctest.getMaterials`'s */ var materials = this.getMaterials( options ), parser = materials.parser, runner = materials.runner; $.get( fileName, function( src ) { var doctest = new jDoctest( parser.getExamples( src ), src, fileName ); runner.run( doctest ); }, "text" ); return runner.result; }; j.getMaterials = function( options ) { /**:jDoctest.getMaterials( options ) Returns a :class:`jDoctest.Parser` and a :class:`jDoctest.Runner` from ``options``. >>> var pr = jDoctest.getMaterials({ ... verbose: true, ... symbols: { ... prompt: "$", ... continued: ">" ... } ... }); >>> var parser = pr.parser; >>> var runner = pr.runner; >>> parser.symbols.prompt; '$' >>> parser.symbols.continued; '>' >>> runner.options.verbose; true :param options: :class:`jDoctest.Runner`'s ``options`` parameter. But it also contains ``symbols`` key for :class:`jDoctest.Parser`'s ``symbols`` parameter. */ options = $.extend( true, { verbose: false, symbols: undefined, onComplete: undefined }, options ); var result = {}, symbols = options.symbols, Runner; delete options[ "symbols" ]; return { parser: new j.Parser( symbols ), runner: new j.Runner( result, options ) }; }; j.repr = function( val ) { /**:jDoctest.repr( val ) Represents a value. >>> jDoctest.repr( undefined ); >>> jDoctest.repr( [] ); '[]' >>> jDoctest.repr( [1, 2, 3] ); '[1, 2, 3]' >>> jDoctest.repr( "Hello, world!" ); '\'Hello, world!\'' >>> jDoctest.repr( "It's my world!" ); '\'It\\\'s my world!\'' >>> jDoctest.repr( ["It's my world!"] ); '[\'It\\\'s my world!\']' >>> jDoctest.repr( jDoctest.flags.SKIP ); '' >>> print( jDoctest.repr( "\n\n\n" ) ); '\n\n\n' :param val: the value */ if ( val === undefined ) { return val; } else if ( $.isArray( val ) ) { var reprs = []; for ( var i = 0; i < val.length; i++ ) { reprs.push( j.repr( val[ i ] ) ); } return "[" + reprs.join( ", " ) + "]"; } else if ( typeof val === "string" ) { val = val.replace( /('|\\)/g, "\\$1" ); val = val.replace( /\n/g, "\\n" ); val = val.replace( /\r/g, "\\r" ); return "'" + val + "'"; } return String( val ); }; j.blankLineMarker = ""; /*********************************************************************** * Utilities ***********************************************************************/ var _ = { ffff: "\uffff", __: " ", indent: function( indent, text ) { /**:jDoctest._indent( indent, text ) Adds an indent to each lines. >>> jDoctest._indent( "abc" ); ' abc' >>> jDoctest._indent( " ", "abc" ); ' abc' >>> print( jDoctest._indent( " ", "abc\ndef" ) ); abc def :param indent: a indentation string :param text: a text which is been indented */ if ( text === undefined ) { text = indent; indent = _.__; } return text.replace( /^/mg, indent ); }, outdent: function( indent, text ) { /**:jDoctest._outindent( indent, text ) Removes an indent from each lines. :param indent: a removing indentation string :param text: a text which is been outdented */ indent = new RegExp( "^" + indent, "mg" ); return text.replace( indent, "" ); }, linearize: function( text ) { /**:jDoctest._linearize( text ) Makes a multiline text to the linear text. >>> /\n/.exec( jDoctest._linearize( "ab\ncd" ) ); null :param text: a text */ return text.replace( /\n/g, _.ffff ); }, unlinearize: function( line ) { /**:jDoctest._unlinearize( text ) The inverse function of :func:`jDoctest._linearize`. >>> /\n/.exec( jDoctest._unlinearize( ... jDoctest._linearize( "ab\ncd" ) ... ) ) !== null; true :param text: a text */ return line.replace( new RegExp( _.ffff, "g" ), "\n" ); }, escapeRegExp: function( text ) { /**:jDoctest._escapeRegExp( text ) Escapes for the regular expression. >>> print( jDoctest._escapeRegExp( "/.*+?|" ) ); \/\.\*\+\?\| :param text: a text */ var specials = [ "/", ".", "*", "+", "?", "|", "$", "(", ")", "[", "]", "{", "}", "\\" ], r = new RegExp( "(\\" + specials.join( "|\\" ) + ")", "g" ); return text.replace( r, "\\$1" ); }, mockConsole: { /**:jDoctest._mockConsole It has methods named ``log``, ``warn``, ``error``, and ``dir``. All methods do not anything. jDoctest uses it instead of ``window.console`` in IE6 or Firefox without FireBug. Because ``window.console`` object is not available in there. >>> jDoctest._mockConsole.log === jDoctest._mockConsole.warn; true >>> jDoctest._mockConsole.log === jDoctest._mockConsole.error; true >>> jDoctest._mockConsole.log === jDoctest._mockConsole.dir; true >>> !!/\{\s*\}/.exec( String( jDoctest._mockConsole.log ) ); true >>> jDoctest.Runner.prototype.options.console !== undefined; true */ toString: function() { return ""; } } }; // Use the console locally. If the console is not avaliable, use the mock // console. var console, empty = function() {}; _.mockConsole.log = _.mockConsole.warn = empty; _.mockConsole.error = _.mockConsole.dir = empty; if ( window.console === undefined ) { console = _.mockConsole; } else { console = window.console; } // Exports utilities for ( var meth in _ ) { j[ "_" + meth ] = _[ meth ]; } /*********************************************************************** * Parser ***********************************************************************/ j.Parser = function( symbols ) { /**class:jDoctest.Parser( symbols ) A parser to catch docstrings and interactive examples. You could specify doc-prefix or doc-suffix or prompt symbols using ``symbols`` argument: >>> var myParser = new jDoctest.Parser({ ... docPrefix: "/*+", ... docSuffix: "+*" + "/" ... }); ``myParser`` has differant symbols. It executes like: >>> var src = "this is not a docstring.\n" + ... "/*+ this is a docstring +*" + "/\n" + ... "/** this is not a docstring *" + "/\n" + ... "/** this is not a docstring also *" + "/"; >>> var doctests = myParser.getDoctests( src ); >>> doctests.length; 1 :param symbols: the parsing symbols */ this.symbols = $.extend( {}, this.symbols, symbols ); this.docStringRegex = new RegExp([ /* (?:^|\uffff) # start of a line (\s*) # indent \/\*\* # docPrefix (?: ([^\uffff*:]*) # directive \:\s* ([^\uffff]+) # name | [^*] ) (.*?) \*\/ # docSuffix */ "(?:^|" + _.ffff + ")(\\s*)", _.escapeRegExp( this.symbols.docPrefix ), "(?:([^" + _.ffff + "*:]*)\\:\\s*([^" + _.ffff + "]+)|[^*])(.*?)", _.escapeRegExp( this.symbols.docSuffix ) ].join( "" ), "gm" ); this.interactionRegex = new RegExp([ //^\s*(>>>.+)(?:\n^\s*(\.\.\..+)$)* "^\\s*(", _.escapeRegExp( this.symbols.prompt ), ".+)(?:\\n^\\s*(", _.escapeRegExp( this.symbols.continued ), ".+)$)*" ].join( "" ), "gm" ); }; j.Parser.prototype = { symbols: { docPrefix: "/**", docSuffix: "*/", directiveSuffix: ":", prompt: ">>>", continued: "..." }, getExamples: function( docString, lineNo ) { /**:jDoctest.Parser.prototype.getExamples( docString ) Returns :class:`jDoctest.Example`s from a docstring. >>> var src = "asdfasdfsdf\n" + ... "sadfasdf\n" + ... "\n" + ... " $ asfsdf;\n" + ... " > 12312;\n" + ... " > function() {\n" + ... " > return '123123';\n" + ... " > }\n" + ... " 123123\n" + ... " $ gggggggg;\n" + ... " 213123\n"; >>> var parser = new jDoctest.Parser({ ... prompt: "$", ... continued: ">" ... }); >>> var examples = parser.getExamples( src ); >>> examples.length; 2 >>> print( examples[ 0 ].source ); asfsdf; 12312; function() { return '123123'; } >>> examples[ 0 ].want; '123123' >>> examples[ 1 ].source; 'gggggggg;' >>> examples[ 1 ].want; '213123' */ lineNo = parseInt( lineNo || 1 ); var relLineNo, line, docLines = docString.split( "\n" ), examples = [], example = { source: [], want: [] }, indent, e = _.escapeRegExp, R = RegExp, promptRegex = new R( "^(\\s*)" + e( this.symbols.prompt + " " ) ), continuedRegex, wantRegex, blankRegex = /^\s*$/, match, is = { source: false, want: false }; function saveExample( relLineNo ) { var source, want, exam; source = example.source.join( "\n" ); if ( example.want.length ) { want = example.want.join( "\n" ); } else { want = undefined; } exam = new j.Example( source, want, lineNo + relLineNo ); examples.push( exam ); is.source = is.want = false; example.source = []; example.want = []; } for ( var i = 0; i < docLines.length; i++ ) { line = docLines[ i ]; if ( match = promptRegex.exec( line ) ) { // Handles a line which starts with ``>>> `` if ( is.source || is.want ) { saveExample( relLineNo ); } is.source = true; relLineNo = i; indent = match[ 1 ]; continuedRegex = new R( "^" + e( indent + this.symbols.continued + " " ) ); wantRegex = new R( "^" + e( indent ) + "(.+)$" ); line = line.replace( promptRegex, "" ); } else if ( is.source && continuedRegex.exec( line ) ) { // Handles a line which starts with ``... `` line = line.replace( continuedRegex, "" ); } else if ( is.source || is.want ) { if ( match = wantRegex.exec( line ) ) { // Handles an output is.want = true; is.source = false; line = match[ 1 ]; } else if ( blankRegex.exec( line ) ) { // Handles a blank line saveExample( relLineNo ); } } if ( is.source ) { example.source.push( line ); } else if ( is.want ) { example.want.push( line ); } } if ( is.source || is.want ) { saveExample( relLineNo ); } return examples; }, getDoctests: function( source, fileName ) { /**:jDoctest.Parser.prototype.getDoctests( source ) Parses a JavaScript source and returns docstring list. >>> var parser = new jDoctest.Parser({ ... docPrefix: "/*+", ... docSuffix: "+*" + "/" ... }); >>> var doctests = parser.getDoctests( ... "/*+ Hello, world! +*" + "/" ... ); >>> doctests.length; 1 >>> doctests[ 0 ]; */ var doctests = [], doctest, docStrings = [], docString, docLines, examples, match, indent, name, l; // Find docstrings source = _.linearize( source ); while ( match = this.docStringRegex.exec( source ) ) { docString = _.outdent( match[ 1 ], _.unlinearize( match[ 4 ] ) ); l = source.slice( 0, match.index ).split( _.ffff ).length + 1; docStrings[ l ] = [ match[ 3 ], docString ]; } // Make :class:`jDoctest` instances for ( l in docStrings ) { name = docStrings[ l ][ 0 ]; docString = docStrings[ l ][ 1 ]; examples = this.getExamples( docString, l ); doctest = new jDoctest( examples, name, docString, fileName, l ); doctests.push( doctest ); } return doctests; } }; /*********************************************************************** * Example ***********************************************************************/ j.Example = function( source, want, lineNo ) { /**class:jDoctest.Example( source, want[, lineNo ] ) A JavaScript example. >>> var exam = new jDoctest.Example( "1 + 1;", "2" ); >>> exam; >>> exam.source; '1 + 1;' >>> exam.want; '2' >>> exam.flags; [] >>> var src = "throw new Error(); //doctest: +SKIP"; >>> var flagedExam = new jDoctest.Example( src, undefined ); >>> flagedExam.flags; [] */ this.source = source; this.want = want; this.lineNo = lineNo; var flags = this._findFlags( source ); this.flags = flags.positive; this.negetiveFlags = flags.negative; }; j.Example.prototype = { _OPTION_DIRECTIVE: /\/\/\s*doctest:\s*([^\n\'"]*)$/, _findFlags: function( source ) { /**:jDoctest.Example.prototype._findFlags( source ) Returns a flag list from the source code. >>> var src = "1; //doctest: +SKIP +ELLIPSIS"; >>> var exam = jDoctest.Example.prototype; >>> var flags = exam._findFlags( src ).positive; >>> $.inArray( jDoctest.flags.SKIP, flags ) >= 0; true >>> $.inArray( jDoctest.flags.ELLIPSIS, flags ) >= 0; true >>> $.inArray( jDoctest.flags.ACCEPT_BLANKLINE, flags ) < 0; true */ var match, flags = { positive: [], negative: [] }; if ( match = this._OPTION_DIRECTIVE.exec( source ) ) { var directive = match[ 1 ].split( /\s+/ ), flagName; for ( var flagName in j.flags ) { if ( $.inArray( "+" + flagName, directive ) !== -1 ) { flags.positive.push( j.flags[ flagName ] ); } else if ( $.inArray( "-" + flagName, directive ) !== -1 ) { flags.negative.push( j.flags[ flagName ] ); } } } return flags; }, toString: function() { return ""; } }; /*********************************************************************** * OutputChecker ***********************************************************************/ j.OutputChecker = { /**attribute:jDoctest.OutputChecker The default output checker. Every output checkers must have ``checkOutput`` method. */ checkOutput: function( want, got, flags ) { /**:jDoctest.OutputChecker.checkOutput( want, got, flags ) Checks if got output matched to wanted output. >>> var checker = jDoctest.OutputChecker; >>> checker.checkOutput( "1", "1" ); true >>> checker.checkOutput( "2", "1" ); false If some matching flags in ``flags``, that will be called. And if the result is a ``true``, it returns ``true`` also. Otherwise it returns just ``false``. >>> checker.checkOutput( "a...f", "asdf", [ ... jDoctest.flags.ELLIPSIS ... ]); true */ if ( want === got ) { return true; } var flag, flagResult; for ( var i = 0; flags && i < flags.length; i++ ) { flag = flags[ i ]; if ( $.isFunction( flag ) ) { flagResult = flag( want, got ); if ( typeof flagResult === "object" ) { if ( "want" in flagResult ) { want = flagResult.want; } if ( "got" in flagResult ) { got = flagResult.got; } flagResult = flagResult.matched; } if ( flagResult === true ) { return true; } } } return false; } }; /*********************************************************************** * Runner ***********************************************************************/ j.Runner = function( result, options ) { /**class:jDoctest.Runner( result[, options ] ) The runner is used to run a doctest. >>> var result = {}, done = false; >>> var doctest = new jDoctest([ ... new jDoctest.Example( "1;", "1" ), ... new jDoctest.Example( "0; //doctest: +SKIP", "1" ), ... new jDoctest.Example( "0;", "1" ), ... ]); >>> var runner = new jDoctest.Runner( result, { ... onComplete: function() { done = true; }, ... console: jDoctest._mockConsole ... }); It will update ``result`` object which is given. ``result`` is extended to have arrays named tries, successes, failures, and skips. >>> result.tries.length; 0 >>> runner.run( doctest ); When all test done ``result``'s arrays is also updated. >>> wait(function() { return done; }); >>> result.tries.length; 2 >>> result.successes.length; 1 >>> result.failures.length; 1 */ this.result = $.extend( result || {}, { tries: [], successes: [], failures: [], skips: [] }); this.options = $.extend( {}, this.options, options ); this.checker = this.options.checker; this.console = this.options.console; this.context = $.extend( {}, this.context ); this._tasks = []; this._running = { stopped: true, timer: null, doctest: null }; }; j.Runner.prototype = { options: { onComplete: undefined, checker: j.OutputChecker, verbose: false, flags: undefined, // It will be filled later console: console }, // Reporting functions reportStart: function( exam ) { /**:jDoctest.Runner.prototype.reportStart( exam ) Reports before the example runs. */ if ( this.options.verbose ) { var msg = [ "Trying:", _.indent( exam.source ), ]; if ( exam.want === undefined ) { msg.push( "Expecting nothing" ); } else { msg.push( "Expecting:" ); msg.push( _.indent( exam.want ) ); } this.console.log( msg.join( "\n" ) ); } }, reportSuccess: function( exam, got ) { /**:jDoctest.Runner.prototype.reportSuccess( exam, got ) Reports when the example is succeeded. */ if ( this.options.verbose ) { this.console.log( "ok" ); } }, reportFailure: function( exam, got ) { /**:jDoctest.Runner.prototype.reportFailure( exam, got ) Reports when the example is failed. */ var doctest = this.getCurrentDoctest(), msg = [ "File " + doctest.fileName + ", line " + exam.lineNo, "Failed example:", _.indent( exam.source ) ]; if ( exam.want === undefined ) { msg.push( "Expected nothing" ); } else { msg.push( "Expected:" ); msg.push( _.indent( exam.want ) ); } if ( got === undefined ) { msg.push( "Got nothing" ); } else { msg.push( "Got:" ); msg.push( _.indent( got ) ); } msg = msg.join( "\n" ); this.console.error( msg ); }, reportFinally: function() { /**:jDoctest.Runner.prototype.reportFinally() Reports when the doctest done. */ var msg = ""; if ( this.options.verbose ) { msg += this.result.successes.length + " passed"; } if ( this.result.failures.length ) { if ( this.options.verbose ) { msg += " and " + this.result.failures.length + " failed.\n"; } msg += "***Test Failed*** " + this.result.failures.length; msg += " failures."; this.console.warn( msg ); } else if ( msg ) { msg += "."; this.console.log( msg ); } }, run: function( doctest ) { /**:jDoctest.Runner.prototype.run( [ doctest ] ) This method registers a doctest to its task list first. And runs tasks:: var runner = new jDoctest.Runner(); var doctest = new jDoctest(); runner.run( doctest ); Or:: var runner = new jDoctest.Runner(); var doctest = new jDoctest(); runner.register( doctest ); runner.run(); */ if ( doctest instanceof jDoctest ) { this.register( doctest ); } clearTimeout( this._running.timer ); this._running.timer = setTimeout( $.proxy(function() { this.progress(); }, this ), 0 ); }, register: function( doctest ) { /**:jDoctest.Runner.prototype.register( doctest ) Registers the given doctest to the task list. */ this._tasks.push( doctest ); for ( var i = 0; i < doctest.examples.length; i++ ) { this._tasks.push( doctest.examples[ i ] ); } }, checkExample: function( exam, got ) { /**:jDoctest.Runner.prototype.checkExample( exam, got ) Checks if the got value equals to the expected value using the own :class:`OutputChecker` instance. The example will be kept in the ``result`` object. >>> var runner = new jDoctest.Runner(); >>> var mockExample = { want: "Hello", flags: [] }; >>> runner.checkExample( mockExample, "Hello" ); true >>> runner.result.successes.length; 1 >>> runner.checkExample( mockExample, "World" ); false >>> runner.result.failures.length; 1 */ var flags = this.adjustFlags( exam.flags, exam.negetiveFlags ); this.result.tries.push( exam ); if ( this.checker.checkOutput( exam.want, got, flags ) ) { this.result.successes.push( exam ); return true; } else { this.result.failures.push( exam ); return false; } }, runExample: function( exam ) { /**:jDoctest.Runner.prototype.runExample( exam ) Runs the given example and reports a result. If the example throws a ``StopRunning`` exception, it makes the running to stop. */ try { var got = this.getOutput( exam.source ), succeeded = this.checkExample( exam, got ); if ( succeeded ) { this.reportSuccess( exam ); } else { this.reportFailure( exam, got ); } } catch ( error ) { if ( error instanceof j.errors.StopRunning ) { this.reportSuccess( exam ); this.stop(); } else { throw error; } } }, runFinally: function() { /**:jDoctest.Runner.prototype.runFinally() It will be called after all examples ran. */ this.reportFinally(); }, progress: function( justOneStep ) { /**:jDoctest.Runner.prototype.progress() Processes the top task and call this method again if the task list is not empty. A task could be an instance of :class:`jDoctest` or :class:`jDoctest.Example`. If the task is an instance of :class:`jDoctest`, this method just updates the current doctest object. But the task is an instance of :class:`jDoctest.Example`, it calls :meth:`jDoctest.Runner.prototype.reportStart` and tests the example. >>> var runner = new jDoctest.Runner( undefined, { ... onComplete: function() { ... print( "ALL TASKS HAVE PROCESSED" ); ... } ... }); >>> var doctest = new jDoctest([ ... new jDoctest.Example( "1;", "1" ) ... ]); >>> runner.register( doctest ); >>> runner.getCurrentDoctest(); null >>> runner.progress(); ALL TASKS HAVE PROCESSED >>> runner.getCurrentDoctest() instanceof jDoctest; true :param justOneStep: if set it to ``true``, this method doesn't go to next step. */ if ( !this._tasks.length ) { return; } var exam = this._tasks.shift(); if ( exam instanceof jDoctest ) { this._running.doctest = exam; return !justOneStep ? this.progress() : undefined; } var runner = this, flags = this.adjustFlags( exam.flags, exam.negativeFlags ), flag, check; this._running.stopped = false; for ( var i = 0; i < flags.length; i++ ) { flag = flags[ i ]; if ( flag.prototype instanceof j.Runner ) { runner = new flag( this ); } } runner.reportStart( exam ); function test( exam ) { this.runExample( exam, this.getCurrentDoctest() ); return !this._running.stopped; } if ( test.call( runner, exam ) ) { if ( this._tasks.length && !justOneStep ) { this.progress(); } else { if ( $.isFunction( this.options.onComplete ) ) { this.options.onComplete.call( this, this.result ); } this.runFinally(); } } }, stop: function() { /**:jDoctest.Runner.prototype.stop() Stops the running process. */ this._running.stopped = true; }, start: function() { /**:jDoctest.Runner.prototype.start() Starts the running process. */ this.progress(); }, getCurrentDoctest: function() { /**:jDoctest.Runner.prototype.getCurrentDoctest() Returns the last processed :class:`jDoctest` object. */ return this._running.doctest; }, getOutput: function( source ) { /**:jDoctest.Runner.prototype.getOutput( source ) Returns the representation of the returned value and the output(with :meth:`jDoctest.Runner.prototype.context.print`) from the given source code. >>> var runner = new jDoctest.Runner(); >>> runner.getOutput( "print( 'abc' ); 'def';" ); 'abc\n\'def\'' */ var got = j.repr( this.eval( source ) ); if ( this._output ) { if ( got === undefined ) { got = this._output; } else { got = this._output + "\n" + got; } delete this._output; } return got; }, eval: function( source ) { /**:jDoctest.Runner.prototype.eval( source ) Evaluates the given source code. And returns the returned value or exception object. >>> var runner = new jDoctest.Runner(); >>> runner.eval( "'abc' + 'def'" ); 'abcdef' >>> runner.eval( "throw new Error( 'TEST' );" ); Error: TEST */ var origVals = {}, varName, replVal, result; for ( varName in this.context ) { origVals[ varName ] = window[ varName ]; } // Fix IE if ( $.browser.msie ) { for ( varName in this.context ) { if ( $.isFunction( this.context[ varName ] ) ) { window[ varName ] = empty; } } var cls = "jdoctest-eval", scr = ""; $( scr ).appendTo( document.body ).remove(); } for ( varName in this.context ) { replVal = this.context[ varName ]; if ( $.isFunction( replVal ) ) { replVal = $.proxy( replVal, this ); } window[ varName ] = replVal; } try { result = window.eval.call( window, source ); } catch ( error ) { if ( error instanceof j.errors.StopRunning ) { throw error; } result = error; } for ( varName in origVals ) { window[ varName ] = origVals[ varName ]; } return result; }, adjustFlags: function( flags, negativeFlags ) { /**:jDoctest.Runner.prototype.adjustFlags( flags, negativeFlags ) Returns a flag list that is adjusted with the runner's flags. >>> var runner = new jDoctest.Runner( {}, { ... flags: [jDoctest.flags.SKIP, jDoctest.flags.ELLIPSIS] ... }); >>> runner.adjustFlags([ ... jDoctest.flags.IGNORE_ERROR_MESSAGE ... ], [ ... jDoctest.flags.SKIP ... ]); [, ] */ var adjustedFlags = [], flag; try { negativeFlags = negativeFlags.slice(); } catch ( error ) { if ( error instanceof TypeError ) { negativeFlags = []; } } for ( var i = 0; i < flags.length; i++ ) { flag = flags[ i ]; if ( flag.remove !== undefined ) { negativeFlags.push( flag.remove ); } else { adjustedFlags.push( flag ); } } for ( var i = 0; i < this.options.flags.length; i++ ) { flag = this.options.flags[ i ]; if ( $.inArray( flag, negativeFlags ) === -1 ) { adjustedFlags.push( flag ); } } return adjustedFlags; }, context: { /**:jDoctest.Runner.prototype.context The object that has special functions. They are helpers for examples. Its functions are exist when only examples running. */ wait: function( delay ) { /**:jDoctest.Runner.prototype.context.wait( delay ) ``delay`` is miliseconds or a function. If ``delay`` is miliseconds, the running process will wait for the miliseconds. >>> var t = new Date(); >>> wait( 1000 ); >>> (new Date()).getTime() - t.getTime() >= 5; true If ``delay`` is a function, the running process will pause while the function returns ``false``. >>> var v = false; >>> setTimeout(function() { ... v = true; ... }, 10 ) && undefined; >>> v; false >>> v; false >>> v; false >>> wait(function() { return v; }); >>> v; true */ var runner = this; if ( typeof delay === "number" ) { setTimeout(function() { runner.start(); }, delay ); } else if ( $.isFunction( delay ) ) { var check = function() { if ( delay() ) { runner.start(); } else { setTimeout( check, 10 ); } }; check(); } throw new j.errors.StopRunning(); }, print: function( output ) { /**:jDoctest.Runner.prototype.context.print( output ) Prints a string. The output does not contain quotaions(``'``) or escaped characters(``\n``). >>> print( "a\nb\nc" ); a b c The output is before of the returned value. >>> for ( var i = 0; i < 20; i++ ) { ... print( i + "." ); ... } ... "done"; 'done' */ if ( typeof output !== "string" ) { throw new TypeError( "output must be a string." ); } this._output = this._output || ""; this._output += output; } } }; j.Runner.extend = function( prototype ) { /**:jDoctest.Runner.extend( prototype ) Makes a new runner class which extends :class:`jDoctest.Runner`. The new runner's constructor needs an other :class:`jDoctest.Runner` instance. It shares some attributes with the other runner. >>> var MyRunner = jDoctest.Runner.extend({ ... reportStart: function() { ... this.result.foo = "bar"; ... print( "MY RUNNER!" ); ... } ... }); >>> var result = {}; >>> var runner = new jDoctest.Runner( result ); >>> var myRunner = new MyRunner( runner ); >>> myRunner instanceof MyRunner; true >>> myRunner instanceof jDoctest.Runner; true >>> myRunner.reportStart(); MY RUNNER! >>> myRunner.result.foo; 'bar' >>> runner.result.foo; 'bar' */ var newRunner = function( runner ) { this.result = runner.result; this.checker = runner.checker; this.verbose = runner.verbose; this.console = runner.console; this.options = runner.options; this._running = runner._running; }; newRunner.prototype = new j.Runner(); $.extend( newRunner.prototype, prototype ); return newRunner; }; /*********************************************************************** * Flags ***********************************************************************/ j.makeNegativeFlag = function( flag ) { return { remove: flag }; }; j.flags = { SKIP: j.Runner.extend({ /**class:jDoctest.flags.SKIP( runner ) When specified, the example is skipped and not runned also. If your example never pass yet, use this flag and remove after implement. >>> var result = {}; >>> var runner = new jDoctest.Runner( result, { ... onComplete: function() { done = true; }, ... console: jDoctest._mockConsole ... }); >>> var doctest = new jDoctest([ ... new jDoctest.Example( "1 + 1; //doctest: +SKIP" ) ... ]); >>> var done = false; >>> runner.run( doctest ); >>> wait(function() { return done; }); >>> result.tries.length; 0 >>> result.failures.length; 0 Here is an example in the real world: >>> 1000000000000000 * 1000000000000000; //doctest: +SKIP 0 >>> memcache.get( "ork" ); //doctest: +SKIP 'wow!' */ checkExample: function() { // skip... return true; }, reportStart: function() { // skip... } }), ACCEPT_TRUE_FOR_1 : function( want, got ) { /**:jDoctest.flags.ACCEPT_TRUE_FOR_1( want, got ) Default flag. >>> 1 === 1; 1 >>> 1 === 1; true >>> 1 === 2; 0 >>> 1 === 2; false */ var T = got === j.repr( true ) && want === j.repr( 1 ), F = got === j.repr( false ) && want === j.repr( 0 ); if ( T || F ) { return true; } }, ACCEPT_BLANKLINE: function( want, got ) { /**:jDoctest.flags.ACCEPT_BLANKLINE( want, got ) Default flag. >>> print( "a\n\nb" ); a b >>> print( "" ); //doctest: -ACCEPT_BLANKLINE */ got = got.replace( /^$/gm, j.blankLineMarker ); return { got: got, matched: want === got }; }, NORMALIZE_WHITESPACE: function( want, got ) { /**:jDoctest.flags.NORMALIZE_WHITESPACE( want, got ) When specified, all whitespaces in the expected output and the actual output is treated as one space. It makes your example more simple. >>> var want = "a b \t c \n d"; >>> var got = "a b\n\n\n\t\t\t\n\nc d"; >>> var flag = jDoctest.flags.NORMALIZE_WHITESPACE; >>> var flagResult = flag( want, got ); >>> flagResult.want; 'a b c d' >>> flagResult.got; 'a b c d' >>> flagResult.matched; true Here is an example in the real world: >>> print( "a\nb\nc" ); //doctest: +NORMALIZE_WHITESPACE a b c >>> print( "function() {\n\treturn 132;\n}"); ... //doctest: +NORMALIZE_WHITESPACE function() { return 132; } */ want = want.split( /\s+/gm ).join( " " ); got = got.split( /\s+/gm ).join( " " ); return { want: want, got: got, matched: want === got }; }, ELLIPSIS: function( want, got ) { /**:jDoctest.flags.ELLIPSIS( want, got ) When specified, an ellipsis marker(``...``) in the expected output can match any substring in the actual output. >>> var want = "j...t"; >>> jDoctest.flags.ELLIPSIS( want, "jDoctest" ); true >>> jDoctest.flags.ELLIPSIS( want, "jDoctest Team" ); false Here is an example in the real world: >>> "foobar"; //doctest: +ELLIPSIS 'foo...' >>> "foobar"; //doctest: +ELLIPSIS 'foobar...' >>> new TypeError( "foo" ); //doctest: +ELLIPSIS TypeError: ... */ var e = _.escapeRegExp, ellipsis = new RegExp( e( e( "..." ) ), "g" ); pattern = "^" + e( want ).replace( ellipsis, ".*?" ) + "$"; return !!( new RegExp( pattern ) ).exec( _.linearize( got ) ); }, IGNORE_ERROR_MESSAGE: function( want, got ) { /**:jDoctest.flags.IGNORE_ERROR_MESSAGE( want, got ) When specified, the error message does not match. It is useful to cross-browser because some error message is different in various browsers. >>> var want = "ReferenceError: TEST is not defined"; >>> var got = "ReferenceError: Can't find variable: TEST"; >>> var got2 = "TypeError: TEST is not defined"; >>> jDoctest.flags.IGNORE_ERROR_MESSAGE( want, got ); true >>> jDoctest.flags.IGNORE_ERROR_MESSAGE( want, got2 ); false Here is an example in the real world: >>> LUNANT; //doctest: +IGNORE_ERROR_MESSAGE ReferenceError: LUNANT is not defined */ var errorName = /^([a-zA-Z_$][a-zA-Z0-9_$]+)\:/, isError = function( errorName ) { var error = window[ errorName ]; return error === Error || error.prototype instanceof Error; }, matchWant = errorName.exec( want ), matchGot = errorName.exec( got ), wantedError, gotError; if ( matchWant && matchGot ) { wantedError = matchWant[ 1 ]; gotError = matchGot[ 1 ]; if ( isError( wantedError ) && isError( gotError ) ) { return wantedError === gotError; } } } }; (function( j ) { // Negative flags var f = j.flags, negative = j.makeNegativeFlag; /**:jDoctest.flags.DONT_ACCEPT_TRUE_FOR_1 A negetive flag for :func:`jDoctest.flags.ACCEPT_TRUE_FOR_1`. */ f.DONT_ACCEPT_TRUE_FOR_1 = negative.call( j, f.ACCEPT_TRUE_FOR_1 ); /**:jDoctest.flags.DONT_ACCEPT_BLANKLINE A negetive flag for :func:`jDoctest.flags.ACCEPT_BLANKLINE`. >>> print( "" ); //doctest: +DONT_ACCEPT_BLANKLINE */ f.DONT_ACCEPT_BLANKLINE = negative.call( j, f.ACCEPT_BLANKLINE ); })( jDoctest ); // Adds a stringifing method for flags for ( var flagName in j.flags ) { j.flags[ flagName ].flagName = flagName; j.flags[ flagName ].toString = function() { return ""; }; if ( j.flags[ flagName ].prototype instanceof j.Runner ) { j.flags[ flagName ].prototype.flagName = flagName; j.flags[ flagName ].prototype.toString = j.flags[ flagName ].toString; } } j.Runner.prototype.options.flags = [ /**:jDoctest.Runner.prototype.options.flags The default flags. >>> (new jDoctest.Runner( {} )).options.flags; [, ] */ j.flags.ACCEPT_TRUE_FOR_1, j.flags.ACCEPT_BLANKLINE ]; // Exports jDoctest return jDoctest; })( this, window.jQuery );