call pathogen#infect() set nocompatible " Not compatible with vi. if has("autocmd") filetype plugin on " All plugins are on by default. filetype indent on endif " My computers: fonts, dictionary, etc... if hostname() == "luke-K52F" set guifont=Inconsolata\ Medium\ 12 set swapsync=fsync set dictionary=usr/dict/words elseif has("mac") set guifont=Monaco:h12 elseif has("win32") set guifont=Consolas:h11,Courier\ New:h10 elseif has("unix") set dictionary=usr/dict/words set swapsync=fsync if &guifont == "" set guifont=bitstream\ vera\ sans\ mono\ 10 endif endif " *terminal colors* set t_Co=256 set background=dark if (&t_Co == 256 || &t_Co == 88) && !has('gui_running') " terminal colorscheme xoria256 elseif &diff " diff colorscheme peaksea else " gvim colorscheme xoria256 endif " /terminal colors set ruler set title set list " Show me listchars. " Mapleader is spacebar. let mapleader=" " let maplocalleader='\' set report=0 " Always report when changing lines. set more " Pause listings when whole screen is filled. set modelines=5 " Just to make sure. set pastetoggle= set winaltkeys=no " Allow use of for mappings by disabling window alt. set tags=tags;,tags set textwidth=78 " Overridden local to buffer for certain filetypes, " see autocommands set virtualedit=block " So useful, f11 virtualedit=all, f9 back to block. set nojoinspaces " Oh historical reasons... for SHAME. set hls " Highlight search. set foldcolumn=1 " Must... see... folds. set foldmethod=marker " Marker folding styles. set iskeyword+=- " Start statusline with a blank slate. set statusline= set statusline+=%2*#%n%*\ " Flags and buf num. set statusline+=%t\ " Tail of the filename set statusline+=%y\ " Filetype set statusline+=[%{strlen(&fenc)?&fenc:'none'}, " File encoding set statusline+=%{&ff}]\ " File form set statusline+=%r " Read only flag set statusline+=%m " Modified flag set statusline+=%{exists('g:loaded_fugitive')?fugitive#statusline():''} set statusline+=%= " Left/right separator set statusline+=%{exists('*CapsLockStatusline')?CapsLockStatusline():''} set statusline+=c=%02c, " x=cursor column set statusline+=l=%l/%L " y=cursor line/total lines set statusline+=\ (%P) " percent through file set showmode set showcmd set showmatch " Matching brackets set magic " See pattern.txt set autoread " When a file is changed outside of vim and it's in the buffer. set switchbuf=useopen " Jump to first open window that contains the buffer. set lazyredraw " Don't redraw screen when running macros. set matchtime=3 " 3/10 of second paren matches. set wildmenu " Give me menu for tab completion. set wildmode=full " All I need (and default). set wildcharm= " Let me tab a cmdline mapping. set wildignore+=*~ set wildignore+=*.DS_Store?,*.0,*.obj,*.exe,*.dll,*.manifest set wildignore+=*.jpg,*.bmp,*.gif,*.png,*.jpeg set suffixes+=.git,.hg,.svn,tags " Lower priority for wildmenu. set noerrorbells " No annoying little vi error noises! set novisualbell set scrolloff=3 " Give me context of 3 lines when at top v bottom of buffer set sidescrolloff=2 set timeoutlen=1250 set ttimeoutlen=50 set nobackup set tabstop=2 " This is how many columns each literal tab indents. set softtabstop=2 " This is how many columns each tab key hit counts for in " INSERT mode. If noexpandtab is set and tabstop=softtabstop, VIM always uses " tabs. set expandtab " Replace tab characters with spaces. set sw=2 " Shiftwidth set shiftround " When indenting with >>, <<, do to nearest sw. set listchars=tab:>−,trail:− set nowrap " Don't wrap text by default, tw=0. if filereadable("/usr/bin/par") set formatprg=par " Use par to format paragraphs. Default tw is 72. endif set ai " Auto indent set si " Smart indent set cpoptions+=$ " Compatibility with vi options, when using nmode c or C, " show last changed character with $ instead of its value. set nu " Line numbering set incsearch " Show search matches incrementally. set ignorecase " Ignore the case of regexes, set smartcase " but don't ignore them when I type a capital letter. set mousehide " Hide mouse until it's moved. set mouse=a set mousemodel=popup " Windows at least got this right. set history=40 " Command-line history remembered. Default = 20 set bs=2 " Backspace over everything in insert mode set cmdheight=3 " Cmd line height. " The include path for current file, and the find command and its variants. set path+=.,,./** set laststatus=2 " All windows have status lines set shortmess=at " To avoid the 'Hit ENTER to continue' promp set noequalalways " Don't auto-same size all windows when splitting or " closing. set winfixwidth " Splits resize width of current window only " (good for vsplits). set splitright " Verti. splits open on the right set splitbelow " Horiz. splits open below current window set helpheight=20 " Minimum height for help wins, default=20, 0 is default " for splits. " *startup info and sessions* set sessionoptions-=options set viminfo+='15,<500,s15,h,:50,/50 " *encoding (set)* " if has("multi_byte") if &termencoding == "" let &termencoding = &encoding endif set encoding=utf-8 setglobal fileencoding=utf-8 "setglobal bomb set fileencodings=ucs-bom,utf-8,latin1 endif " /encoding (set) if exists("+spelllang") set spelllang=en_us endif if isdirectory(glob("~/.vim/views")) set viewdir=~/.vim/views " Dir where mkview files are stored. else set viewdir=/tmp endif if isdirectory(glob("~/.vim/backup")) set directory=~/.vim/backup else set directory=/tmp echoerr "Backup directory ~/.backup doesn't exist!" endif if version >= 703 set undofile if has("unix") set undodir=/tmp endif endif " *diff stuff* set diffopt+=vertical,context:4,iwhite if !exists(":DiffOrig") command DiffOrig vert new | set bt=nofile | r # | 0d_ | diffthis \ | wincmd p | diffthis endif " Sometimes I find it useful to treat wrapped lines as separate lines. funct! ToggleWrapKeys() if &wrap == 1 set nowrap nnoremap j j nnoremap k k vnoremap j j vnoremap k k echo "wrap keys off" elseif &wrap == 0 set wrap nnoremap j gj nnoremap k gk vnoremap j gj vnoremap k gk echo "wrap keys on" endif endfunction command! -nargs=0 WK call ToggleWrapKeys() " diff mappings nnoremap dh :DiffOrig " mnemonic of 'diff HEAD' nnoremap du :diffupdate nnoremap do :diffoff " /diff stuff " *edit file in same dir. as current buffer mappings* nnoremap ee :e =expand("%:p:h") . "/" nnoremap es :sp =expand("%:p:h") . "/" nnoremap ev :vsp =expand("%:p:h") . "/" " /edit mappings " cd relative to getcwd() nnoremap cd :cd =expand("%:p:h") nnoremap cp :cprevious nnoremap cn :cnext nnoremap cc :cclose nnoremap q :q " vsplit alternate buffer to the right nnoremap sar :execute "rightbelow vsplit " . bufname("#") " vsplit alternate buffer to the left nnoremap sal :execute "leftabove vsplit " . bufname("#") " split alternate buffer below nnoremap sab :execute "rightbelow split " . bufname("#") " split alternate buffer above nnoremap saa :execute "leftabove split " . bufname("#") iabbr myemail lukegrugmailcom " sessions, views and projects cabbr sess source ~/.vim/sessions/ cabbr mks mks! ~/.vim/sessions/ cabbr mkv mkview &viewdir cabbr Ls ls cabbr LS ls cabbr W w cabbr B# b# " *plugin stuff* let g:syntastic_auto_loc_list=1 let g:bufExplorerSplitRight=1 let g:bufExplorerShowRelativePath=1 let NERDTreeMinimalUI=1 let NERDTreeDirArrows=1 let NERDTreeShowHidden=0 let NERDTreeWinSize=24 nnoremap se :SyntasticEnable nnoremap sd :SyntasticDisable nnoremap a :Ack nnoremap be :BufExplorer nnoremap la :h local-additions nnoremap t :silent! TlistClose:NERDTreeToggle nnoremap g :silent! NERDTreeClose:TlistToggle nnoremap h :call g:chromaHighlight() " /plugin stuff function! Preserve(command) " Preparation: save last search, and cursor position. let _s=@/ let l = line(".") let c = virtcol(".") " Do the business: execute a:command " Clean up: restore previous search history, and cursor position. let @/=_s call cursor(l, c) endfunction " *n- and i-mode mappings* " Stop hightlighting for hlsearch, turn back on w/ next search. nnoremap n :noh command! -bar -nargs=0 Bigger :let &guifont = \ substitute(&guifont,'\d\+$','\=submatch(0)+1','') command! -bar -nargs=0 Smaller :let &guifont = \ substitute(&guifont,'\d\+$','\=submatch(0)-1','') " /colorschemes and font types " clipboard yank nnoremap "+y nnoremap "+p " clipboard paste inoremap "+p$ " default yanking remaps nnoremap Y y$ nnoremap gy :call Preserve("normal 0y$") " Set the indent width to 2, 4, or 8 nnoremap 2 :setlocal tabstop=2 shiftwidth=2 nnoremap 4 :setlocal tabstop=4 shiftwidth=4 nnoremap 8 :setlocal tabstop=8 shiftwidth=8 " --TABS MAPPINGS-- nnoremap :tabprevious nnoremap :tabnext nnoremap :execute 'silent! tabmove ' . (tabpagenr()-2) nnoremap :execute 'silent! tabmove ' . tabpagenr() " --/TABS MAPPINGS-- " fold mappings nnoremap za " fold start (closed, open) nnoremap fc :set foldlevel=0 nnoremap fo :set foldlevel=99 " /fold mappings noremap :e $MYVIMRC noremap :so $MYVIMRC " making [count] newlines below cursor nnoremap ; o " split, like a reversed J(join) nnoremap S i " append, until the end of this line, to the line below nnoremap gA "xd$$ja"xp " different from gA, this is equivalent to going back to where gi would take " you, then moving to the beginning of the line. nnoremap gI g;I nnoremap :set virtualedit=block nnoremap nnoremap :set virtualedit=all " set list! (toggle) nnoremap lt :set list!:set list? " indenting, useful stuff.. vnoremap < >gv " Highlight text I just pasted, compliments gv well. nnoremap gV `[v`] " Keep search matches in the middle of the window. nnoremap n nzzzv nnoremap N Nzzzv " don't move on * nnoremap * * " ESCaping inoremap " emacs... don't tell anyone inoremap A inoremap I inoremap i inoremap a " *omnicompletion* " Default i_CTRL-o I find useless, so map it to omnicomplete inoremap " Locate and return character above current cursor position regardless of " blank lines. Taken from this vim-scripting tutorial: " function! LookUpOrDown(dir) if a:dir ==# 'down' let pat = 'nW' elseif a:dir ==# 'up' let pat = 'bnW' else throw "LookUpOrDown: dir must be one of ('up', 'down')" endif " Locate current column and preceding line from which to copy. let column_num = virtcol('.') let target_pattern = '\%' . column_num . 'v.' let target_line_num = search(target_pattern . '*\S', pat) " If target line found, return vertically copied character. if !target_line_num return "" else return matchstr(getline(target_line_num), target_pattern) endif endfunction " Reimplement CTRL-Y and CTRL-E in insert mode... inoremap =LookUpOrDown("up") inoremap =LookUpOrDown("down") nnoremap = :call Preserve("normal gg=G") " /n- and i-mode mappings " *c-mode mappings* cnoremap cnoremap cnoremap " classic... for root cnoremap w !sudo tee % > /dev/null " /c-mode mappings " *v-mode mappings* vnoremap "+y " /v-mode mappings " *o-mode mappings* " parameters onoremap p i( " inner next paren pair onoremap in( :normal! f(vi( " inner last paren pair onoremap ip( :normal! F)vi( " /o-mode mappings " *syntax groups* " Show syntax highlighting groups for word under cursor. nnoremap :call SynStack() function! SynStack() if !exists("*synstack") return endif echo map(synstack(line('.'), col('.')), 'synIDattr(v:val, "name")') endfunc " /syntax groups " *working with wrapped text* " softwrap command! -nargs=0 Swrap setl wrap linebreak nolist showbreak=… " ellipsis: unicode 2026 " /working with wrapped text " View markup'd markdown in browser (linux). nnoremap pm :w!:!markdown % > %.html && sensible-browser \ file://%:p.html " Add modeline to file with current settings. " Use substitute() instead of printf() to handle '%%s' modeline in LaTeX " files. function! InsertModeline() let l:modeline = printf(" vim: set ts=%d sw=%d tw=%d :", \ &tabstop, &shiftwidth, &textwidth) let l:modeline = substitute(&commentstring, "%s", l:modeline, "") call append(line("0"), l:modeline) endfunction function! InsertRubyShebang() let l:shebang = "#!/usr/bin/env ruby" call append(line("0"), l:shebang) endfunction command! -nargs=0 Rsheb call InsertRubyShebang() command! -nargs=0 Mode call InsertModeline() command! -nargs=* Xe !chmod +x command! -nargs=0 Xe !chmod +x % " From function! OpenURL(url) if has("win32") exe "!start cmd /cstart /b ".a:url."" elseif $DISPLAY !~ '^\w' exe "silent !sensible-browser \"".a:url."\"" else exe "silent !sensible-browser -T \"".a:url."\"" endif redraw! endfunction command! -nargs=1 OpenURL :call OpenURL() " Open URL under cursor in browser. nnoremap gB :OpenURL nnoremap gG :OpenURL nnoremap gW :OpenURL \ " Turn on/off sql highlighting for PHP files. silent! function! PHP_sql_color_on() let g:php_sql_query=1 endfunction silent! function! PHP_sql_color_off() if exists("g:php_sql_query") unlet g:php_sql_query endif endfunction function! FoldView() if &cursorline windo set foldcolumn=1 if exists("+cursorcolumn") set nocursorcolumn nocursorline endif else windo set foldcolumn=2 if exists("+cursorcolumn") set cursorline endif endif endfunction command! -bar FoldView call FoldView() " start autocmd section if has("autocmd") au! " vimrc source on write augroup vimrc au! autocmd bufwritepost .vimrc source $MYVIMRC augroup END augroup html au! autocmd FileType html setl textwidth=0 nowrap augroup END " remove trailing whitespace augroup whitespace au! autocmd BufWritePre * :%s/\s\+$//e augroup END au FileType binary autocmd! whitespace BufWritePre " text and mail augroup text_and_mail au! au FileType mail,gitcommit setl tw=68 list wrap formatoptions \ formatoptions+=an " au FileType qf silent unmap au FileType mail,gitcommit echo "'textwidth' set to" &textwidth au BufRead *.txt setl tw=78 augroup END augroup data au! au FileType xml,xsd,xslt setl ai et sw=2 sts=2 ts=2 " rss as xml au BufReadPost *.rss set ft=xml au BufReadPost *.yml setl expandtab au BufReadPost *.yml echo "'expandtab' option is set to" &expandtab augroup END augroup c_like au! au FileType cpp,c,cs,java setl ai et sta sw=4 sts=4 cin augroup END augroup ft_css au! au FileType less,css setl foldmethod=marker foldmarker={,} \ omnifunc=csscomplete#CompleteCSS augroup END augroup ft_php au! au FileType php,vb setl ai et sta sw=4 sts=4 " indent all 'print
' so I can ignore them while " debugging in PHP au FileType php nnoremap bi \ :%s/^\(print "
;\?"\)/ \1/g " sql color au FileType php nnoremap sc \ :call PHP_sql_color_on() " sql uncolor au FileType php nnoremap su \ :call PHP_sql_color_off() " highlight SQL in strings au FileType php set makeprg=php\ -l\ % au BufRead php.ini-* set ft=dosini au BufNewFile,BufRead /var/www/*.module set ft=php augroup END augroup ft_ruby au! au BufRead,BufNewFile Gemfile*,*.ru,Vagrantfile set ft=ruby au FileType ruby,eruby,rails setl keywordprg=ri omnifunc=rubycomplete#Complete | \ let g:rubycomplete_rails = 1 | \ let g:rubycomplete_buffer_loading = 1 | \ let g:rubycomplete_classes_in_global = 1 set iskeyword+=? augroup END augroup ft_js au! au FileType javascript setl ai et sta sw=2 sts=2 augroup END augroup ft_c au! au FileType c nnoremap ma :make %:r augroup END augroup ft_perl au! au FileType perl silent! compiler perl augroup END augroup ft_python au! au FileType python setl ts=4 sw=4 expandtab augroup END augroup ft_vim au! au FileType vim setl keywordprg=:help foldmethod=marker augroup END augroup ft_snippets au! au BufReadPost *.snippets setl expandtab au BufReadPost *.snippets echo "'expandtab' option is set to" &expandtab augroup END augroup ft_make au! au BufReadPost *.make setl noexpandtab ts=8 sts=8 sw=8 au BufReadPost *.make echo "'expandtab' option is set to" &expandtab augroup END augroup riml au! au BufEnter *.riml set syntax=riml augroup END " last cursor position in buffer augroup cursor_pos au! au BufReadPost * \ if line("'\"") > 0 && line ("'\"") <= line("$") | \ exe "normal! g'\"" | \ endif augroup END au VimEnter * set lines=38 columns=92 au VimEnter * winpos 618 24 if has("gui_running") " GUI is running or is about to start. " Set gvim window size and position. au GUIEnter * set noicon guioptions-=T au GUIEnter * if has("diff") && &diff | set columns=165 | endif endif endif " /autocmds " Keep at end of file. syntax enable if filereadable(expand("~/.vimrc.local")) source ~/.vimrc.local endif