#!/usr/bin/env python # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- __license__ = 'GPL v3' __copyright__ = u'Łukasz Grąbczewski 2011' __version__ = '2.0' import re, os from calibre import walk from calibre.utils.zipfile import ZipFile from calibre.ptempfile import PersistentTemporaryFile from calibre.web.feeds.news import BasicNewsRecipe class dwutygodnik(BasicNewsRecipe): __author__ = u'Łukasz Grąbczewski' title = 'Dwutygodnik' language = 'pl' publisher = 'Narodowy Instytut Audiowizualny' publication_type = 'magazine' description = u'Strona Kultury: literatura, teatr, film, sztuka, muzyka, felietony, rozmowy' conversion_options = { 'authors' : 'Dwutygodnik.com' ,'publisher' : publisher ,'language' : language ,'comments' : description ,'no_default_epub_cover' : True ,'preserve_cover_aspect_ratio': True } def build_index(self): browser = self.get_browser() browser.open('http://www.dwutygodnik.com/') # find the link epublink = browser.find_link(text_regex=re.compile('Wersja ePub')) # download ebook self.report_progress(0,_('Downloading ePUB')) response = browser.follow_link(epublink) book_file = PersistentTemporaryFile(suffix='.epub') book_file.write(response.read()) book_file.close() # convert self.report_progress(0.2,_('Converting to OEB')) oeb = self.output_dir + '/INPUT/' if not os.path.exists(oeb): os.makedirs(oeb) with ZipFile(book_file.name) as f: f.extractall(path=oeb) for f in walk(oeb): if f.endswith('.opf'): return f