# For an explanation of these settings, visit https://github.com/ltguide/CraftBukkit-MineBackup/wiki/Strings # prefix: '&e[MineBackup]&f' messages: syntax: '&6Syntax: &f%s &6--&e %s' permission: '&cYou do not have permission.' busy: 'An action is currently in progress. Try again in a few seconds.' backup_next: 'The next backup action has been started early. (%s)' backup_now: 'All backup actions will start momentarily. (%s)' backup_soon: 'All backup actions added to the queue. (%s)' backup_upload: 'All upload actions will start momentarily. (%s)' backup_done: 'All backup actions have completed.' status: '&6%s: &f%s (&edirty: &f%s) %s' status_action: '&6%s: &f%s (&e%s&f)&6; ' status_time_none: 'not scheduled' status_time_over: 'soon (%s over)' status_time_under: 'waiting %s' status_note: 'New actions will be scheduled once a minute.' action_starting: '%s &e%s&f momentarily...' action_compress: 'Compressing' action_copy: 'Copying' action_save: 'Saving' action_done: '&aDone!' dropbox: 'Dropbox authentication completed. (%s)' reload: '&aReloaded configuration. (%s)' usage_memory: '&f%s&e MiB allocated&6; &f%s&e MiB free' usage_world: '&f%s&6: &f%s&e chunks&6; &f%s&e entities' commands: next: description: 'Trigger the next action in the queue. If no time is expired then nothing will happen.' broadcast: admins now: description: 'Expire all action times and trigger them NOW. (excludes uploads)' broadcast: users soon: description: 'Expire all action times so that they will trigger on the following queue checks. (excludes uploads)' broadcast: admins upload: description: 'Triggers all upload actions.' broadcast: admins status: description: 'Display the scheduled time and interval for each action in the queue.' dropbox: description: 'Add Dropbox authentication tokens. Visit https://minebackup-dropbox.appspot.com/ for values.' broadcast: false reload: description: 'Reload configuration and reset queue to configured intervals.' broadcast: false usage: description: 'Display the server memory and chunk/entities per world' version-nomodify: '5.9.4'