:date: 2020-10-03 ========================= Saturday, October 3, 2020 ========================= I installed `react devtools for Firefox `__ I read https://reactjs.org/tutorial/tutorial.html Aris and I had our first meeting on Jitsi. With Aris I created a new react app as `described here `__. To install `primereact`, in addition to saying `npm install primereact` I had to say `npm install classnames` and `npm install react-transition-group`, as `described here `__. We tried to get the `Dropdown `__ components to work again. I learned about `React.Component.shouldComponentUpdate() `__. I started the lino_fuori package (lated renamed to :ref:`mentori`). Two main types of "activities" are "Internships" and "Seminars". These are defined in :class:`ActivityLayouts`. The :mod:`lino_xl.lib.courses` plugin no longer requires the :mod:`lino_l.lib.cal` plugin. Fuori is the first application that has courses and enrolments, but doesn't care about calendar entries. Basic step was to remove the following line in :mod:`lino_xl.lib.courses`:: needs_plugins = ['lino_xl.lib.cal'] And then several ``if cal is not None`` (i.e. the courses plugin now takes care of using cal only when it is installed). The :cmd:`inv bd` command in atelier was still using :mod:`atelier.doctest_utf8`:: # DOCTEST_CMD = "atelier.doctest_utf8" DOCTEST_CMD = "doctest" Some adaptations to "recommended" practice in the :ref:`algus` project: - demo projects of an application foo are named foo1, foo2 etc - The application's "standard settings" are now in the file :file:`lino_foo/lib/foo/settings.py` file was