:date: 2020-08-19 ========================== Wednesday, August 19, 2020 ========================== Aha, on my machine the :ref:`getlino` test suite fails here:: ... Requirement already satisfied, skipping upgrade: packaging in ./env/lib/python3.7/site-packages (from bleach) (20.4) Requirement already satisfied, skipping upgrade: six>=1.9.0 in ./env/lib/python3.7/site-packages (from bleach) (1.15.0) Requirement already satisfied, skipping upgrade: pyparsing>=2.0.2 in ./env/lib/python3.7/site-packages (from packaging->bleach) (2.4.7) Installing collected packages: bleach Successfully installed bleach-3.1.5 mysql -u root -p -e "create user 'cosi1'@'localhost' identified by 'POzS7VPLwys';" Enter password: Change: the :meth:`getlino.utils.MySQL.run` method must not specify the ``-p`` option when we are running in batch. On travis (https://travis-ci.com/github/lino-framework/getlino/builds/180007302) it fails for another reason:: docker.errors.APIError: 400 Client Error: Bad Request ("client version 1.39 is too new. Maximum supported API version is 1.38") I first thought that this just means a little change in our :xfile:`.travis.yml` file:: pip3 install docker==1.38 But no. This results in:: $ pip3 install docker==1.38 ERROR: Could not find a version that satisfies the requirement docker==1.38 (from versions: 2.0.0, 2.0.1, 2.0.2, 2.1.0, 2.2.0, 2.2.1, 2.3.0, 2.4.0, 2.4.1, 2.4.2, 2.5.0, 2.5.1, 2.6.0, 2.6.1, 2.7.0, 3.0.0, 3.0.1, 3.1.0, 3.1.1, 3.1.2, 3.1.3, 3.1.4, 3.2.0, 3.2.1, 3.3.0, 3.4.0, 3.4.1, 3.5.0, 3.5.1, 3.6.0, 3.7.0, 3.7.1, 3.7.2, 3.7.3, 4.0.0, 4.0.1, 4.0.2, 4.1.0, 4.2.0, 4.2.1, 4.2.2, 4.3.0) ERROR: No matching distribution found for docker==1.38 The command "pip3 install docker==1.38" failed and exited with 1 during . Ecosia found `this article `__ and though I don't understand Spanish, I saw that it suggests :: client = docker.from_env(version='auto') Seems that this was it. Then another problem:: Traceback (most recent call last): File "/home/travis/build/lino-framework/getlino/tests/test_docker.py", line 161, in test_production_server res = self.run_docker_command(mastercmd.format(cmd)) File "/home/travis/build/lino-framework/getlino/tests/test_docker.py", line 40, in run_docker_command ln = ln.decode('utf-8') UnicodeDecodeError: 'utf-8' codec can't decode byte 0xe2 in position 4095: unexpected end of data I also added some "--quiet" options to :cmd:`apt-get install` and :cmd:`pip install` commands because now that we can see the output, it's a bit too much of it. Here is just a little fragment:: Collecting python_dateutil Downloading python_dateutil-2.8.1-py2.py3-none-any.whl (227 kB) |█▍ | 10 kB 2.6 MB/s eta 0:00:01 |████▎ | 30 kB 3.8 MB/s eta 0:00:01 |█████▊ | 40 kB 3.2 MB/s eta 0:00:01 |████████▋ | 61 kB 3.9 MB/s eta 0:00:01 |███████████▌ | 81 kB 3.6 MB/s eta 0:00:01 |█████████████ | 92 kB 3.8 MB/s eta 0:00:01 |███████████████▉ | 112 kB 3.8 MB/s eta 0:00:01 |█████████████████▎ | 122 kB 3.8 MB/s eta 0:00:01 |████████████████████▏ | 143 kB 3.8 MB/s eta 0:00:01 |███████████████████████ | 163 kB 3.8 MB/s eta 0:00:01 |████████████████████████▌ | 174 kB 3.8 MB/s eta 0:00:01 |███████████████████████████▍ | 194 kB 3.8 MB/s eta 0:00:01 |████████████████████████████▉ | 204 kB 3.8 MB/s eta 0:00:01 |███████████████████████████████▊| 225 kB 3.8 MB/s eta 0:00:01 |████████████████████████████████| 227 kB 3.8 MB/s How to use Ansible ================== I opened :ticket:`3757`. Created a file :file:`/etc/ansible/ansible.cfg` and pasted the default content from `their example `_ I added a first host :file:`/etc/ansible/hosts` First success:: $ ansible all -m ping [WARNING]: Platform linux on host lino-framework.org is using the discovered Python interpreter at /usr/bin/python, but future installation of another Python interpreter could change this. See https://docs.ansible.com/ansible/2.9/reference_appendices/interpreter_discovery.html for more information. lino-framework.org | SUCCESS => { "ansible_facts": { "discovered_interpreter_python": "/usr/bin/python" }, "changed": false, "ping": "pong" } I read `the mentioned page `__, but didn't understand how to get rid of the warning. I tried to set `interpreter_python = auto_silent` in my :file:`/etc/ansible/ansible.cfg`, which was wrong. $ ansible all -a "/bin/echo hello" GitLab pages ============ I saw the "Edit on GitHub" in the Ansible docs and wondered whether GitLab has this as well... https://stackoverflow.com/questions/48223039/gitlab-pages-docs-generated-with-sphinx I downloaded the example :xfile:`.gitlab-ci.yml` file from https://gitlab.com/pages/sphinx into the root of my ``hw`` project, I changed "." into "docs" when calling sphinx-build. Not yet done because I want to use sphinxcontrib.youtube, which doesn't work when installed via pip on Python 3. There is at least one fork for it, but installing that fork requires git.