:date: 2020-07-20 ===================== Monday, July 20, 2020 ===================== Run a Lino application on PythonAnywhere ======================================== I started the page :ref:`admin.pyanywhere` because it would be nice for future hosting providers to see that a Lino :term:`production site` can run on PythonAnywhere. There were still some issues in getlino which caused the installation to fail on PA. I released getlino 20.7.2, tried, and then found more bugs: The two messages :message:`The following system packages were not installed because you aren't root...` and :message:`The following system services were not restarted because you aren't root...` in :meth:`getlino.utils.Installer.restart_services` and :meth:`getlino.utils.Installer.apt_install` were deactivated, and getlino tried to install packages or restart services by prefixing sudo. No, that's not how getlino is meant! getlino itself doesn't try to run commands as root when you didn't start it as root (or with sudo). It needs sudo only when you choose postgresql, but there it is to say ``sudo -u postgres``, i.e. not to become root. But oops! Above paragraph didn't consider that in a docker container we do need a way to tell getlino "Okay, I am not running as root (because I want a developer env), but I have permission to run sudo, and when you suggest that I should install packages, then please do it for me." And then we have the problem that on PA the maintainer is not member of the www-data group. But getlino says "Error: You don't belong to the www-data user group." I removed I released getlino 20.7.3. Now it works... but we still hit the disk quota limit... I moved three dependencies from lino to book (and then released Lino to PyPI): docutils beautifulsoup4 and reportlab. That's not enough. But there is hope : most parts of atelier are actually not needed on a production site. Atelier is actually meant for development. It installs packages like Sphinx, docutils, sphinx_rtd_theme... So I moved a series of utilities from :mod:`atelier.utils` to :mod:`lino.utils`: AttrDict, is_pure, is_string, ... Most of them weren't use by atelier, so it was definitively a good move. Only two of them (confirm and i2d) are also needed by atelier itself, so they are duplicated at the moment. To fix the duplicate, I should move them into a separate module. But a Python module just for two silly functions sounds overkill. Manual tests on weleup preview site =================================== Benutzer Anja hat im testlino 51 offene Datenproblemmeldungen. Change in get_date_range_veto() : the pk specified in no_date_range_veto_until is now the pk of the granting, not the pk of the confirmation. Because there are three tables for confirmations. And it can now be set to a negative number to say Bug in :mod:`lino_welfare.modlib.cal` : EntriesByClient shows all calendar entries unfiltered. This was a simple misunderstanding about the following methods: - `Model.get_request_queryset(self, ar, **filter)`: used to add `select_related()` calls `get_user_queryset()` - `Model.get_user_queryset(self, user, **filter)`: used for user level row filtering. Usage examples `comments.Comment` and `tickets.Ticket`. - `Actor.get_queryset(self, ar)`: - `DbTable.get_queryset(self, ar)`: default implementation calls `self.model.get_request_queryset(ar, **filter)` - `DbTable.get_request_queryset(self, ar, **filter)`: used to define how filter parameters of the actor should influence the queryset. - `Actor.get_request_queryset(self, ar)`: used to define how filter parameters of the actor should influence the queryset. I started a new page :ref:`dev.querysets` with above documentation and fixed this in several applications. Using getlino on PythonAnywhere =============================== On PythonAnywhere we need to be greedy about disk space and therefore must put everything (getlino and the app) into a single environment. .. program:: getlino configure Two changes in :cmd:`getlino configure`: :option:`--shared-env` *is* useful also without `--clone`. And this makes sense not only on PA. Also e.g. a demo server without clones. And the default value for :option:`--shared-env` is the current virtualenv unless configure is running as root. On a demo server we run as root and want a shared env, but we always specify it at the command line. Should getlino store the shared-env as an absolute path even when you specify it a as a relative path? Not sure whether that's a good idea. "Distutils was imported before Setuptools" ========================================== Something is causing the following warnings:: UserWarning: Distutils was imported before Setuptools. This usage is discouraged and may exhibit undesirable behaviors or errors. Please use Setuptools' objects directly or at least import Setuptools first. I read `this `__. As it seems I was using distutils for comparing versions, but nowadays one should use setuptools. Code before:: from distutils.version import LooseVersion LooseVersion("x") Code after:: from pkg_reseources import parse_version version.parse("x") Releases ======== I released the following packages to PyPI : - atelier, getlino, lino, xl, avanti, tera, presto Does book require welfare? TODO: - welfare weleup welcht