:date: 2020-07-14 ====================== Tuesday, July 14, 2020 ====================== I pushed my work of the last days to master. Quick summary of the changes: - Fix :ticket:`3711` (Upload.manager_roles_required in :ref:`avanti`) - Increase configurability of :mod:`lino.modlib.weasyprint` via some new plugin settings - Remove call to main block's super in some weasyprint templates - Restored the Partners.detail_layout for :ref:`tera`. - Remove some ResourceWarning Some details: .. currentmodule:: lino.modlib.weasyprint New plugin settings for :mod:`lino.modlib.weasyprint`: :attr:`Plugin.header_height` :attr:`Plugin.footer_height` :attr:`Plugin.top_right_width` :attr:`Plugin.top_right_image` :attr:`Plugin.header_image` :attr:`Plugin.margin_left` :attr:`Plugin.margin` Removed some ResourceWarning caused by constructs like:: exec(compile(open(fn, "rb").read(), fn, 'exec')) which I replaced by:: with open(fn, "rb") as fd: exec(compile(fd.read(), fn, 'exec'))