:date: 2020-06-18 ======================= Thursday, June 18, 2020 ======================= Johanna confirmed that the functionality defined by :mod:`lino_xl.lib.uploads` (see :doc:`0616`) is useful for :ref:`avanti` as well. When no coaching history is installed, the filtering must simply ask about the currently defined coach. I opened a new :ticket:`3695` I moved some demo from :ref:`welfare` to :mod:`lino_xl.lib.clients` : :fixture:`std` and :fixture:`demo2`. New plugin setting :attr:`lino_xl.lib.uploads.Plugin.demo_coach`. I converted the deprecated :meth:`setup_plugins` in welfare to :meth:`lino.core.plugin.Plugin.get_plugin_configs`. How to "transfer" the existing translations from welfare to xl: Manually copy the content of the welfare po files (one file per language) to the end of the xl po files. Then run :cmd:`inv mm` in xl, which will assign them to their code files and line numbers. Then run :cmd:`inv mm` in welfare which will remove the translations that are no longer used. I considered whether we should rather leave all upload types in welfare and create another set of (similar) upload types for avanti? The problem is that until now they are in the pcsw fixtures (which is a design flaw for historical reasons), and if I add demo fixtures to the clients plugin, we will have them twice in welfare. The "Identifying document" shortcut is no longer defined in :mod:`lino_welfare.modlib.welfare.workflows` but in :mod:`lino_xl.lib.clients`:: from lino.modlib.uploads.choicelists import add_shortcut as add add('pcsw.Client', 'id_document', _("Identifying document"), target='uploads.UploadsByClient') I would have wanted to specify the ``needs_plugins = 'lino_xl.lib.clients'`` in xl.uploads because my comment "don't manage dependency automatically because that would also merge their menus" is so silly. But this has a side effect: when the clients plugin is loaded automatically already by uploads, then e.g. the menu command "Client contact types" should be under the "PCSW" menu, not under "Uploads". So I would have needed to change the order of installed apps in welfare, which becomes visible to end users in the ordering of the main menu. PCSW would come before "Calendar" and "Reception". Not good. TODO: add_param_filter is called only for simple parameters. Why? For MyExpiringUploads we want it to work for the coached_by param.