:date: 2020-05-22 ==================== Friday, May 22, 2020 ==================== I am playing with the invoice template in different sites. A new test project :mod:`lino_book.projects.confdirs` is now used for doctests in :ref:`config_dirs`. I wanted to have a way to quickly get an overview of certain site settings and wrote the new :manage:`status` command. I added a :term:`local configuration directory` to :mod:`lino_book.projects.apc` with a custom logo. I added a section :ref:`specs.weasyprint.logo` to the docs. I extended the :ref:`config_dirs` page. The :xfile:`weasyprint/base.weasy.html` template contains among others:: {% set logo_file = rt.find_config_file("logo.jpg", "weasyprint") %} {% if logo_file %} margin: 15mm; margin-top: 35mm; margin-bottom: 15mm; @top-right { height: 20mm; // width: 40mm; padding: 0px; text-align: right; // background-image: url(file://{{logo_file}}); // background-size: contain; content: url(file://{{logo_file}}); } {% else %} margin: 15mm; margin-top: 15mm; margin-bottom: 15mm; {% endif %} This logo, :xfile:`weasyprint/logo.jpg`, has a size of 336 x 195 pixels and a resolution of 72ppi. So the physical height is about 69 mm (195 / 72 * 25.4).