:date: 2020-05-21 ====================== Thursday, May 21, 2020 ====================== I worked on :ticket:`3652`. Steve made me discover a design bug in :mod:`lino_xl.lib.vat`: the `item_vat` option (whether we want to include VAT in the price of the items of an invoice) does not depend on the :term:`VAT regime`. My solution at the moment is to have it configurable as a plugin attribute, i.e. globally per site. This works for now. Though it is maybe also not the final solution because we might get a customer who wants certain invoices with `item_vat` set to True and others with `item_vat` set to False. Maybe it should become a database field on Journal. But it's too early for a decision. Let's leave this question open until we have such a customer. This caused some work for adapting the test cases because most invoices now have a bigger amount. :ref:`specs.cosi.apc` How to edit the invoice template ================================ Steve wants to be able to configure himself his invoice template. :ticket:`3656`. First step : make a local copy of the relevant templates:: $ go mysite $ cp -a env/lib/python3.6/site-packages/lino_xl/lib/trading/config . Lino doesn't find the local config dir ====================================== I discovered that Lino doesn't find the local :xfile:`config` directory for switcom. :ticket:`3657` In weleup this bug doesn't come out because the :xfile:`config` subdir of the project directory is actually a symbolic link:: $ ls -ld config lrwxrwxrwx 1 lsaffre www-data 19 Sep 28 2018 config -> media/webdav/config In that case the :func:`os.path.isdir` returns `False`, which I obviously ignored when I wrote :meth:`lino.core.site.Site.get_settings_subdirs`. We definitively should resolve symbolic links before asking whether it is a directory. This second bug made that the first didn't come out. One thing is clear : the local config directory should come first.