:date: 2020-01-10 ======================== Friday, January 10, 2020 ======================== I found and fixed another bug in :mod:`lino_xl.lib.vat`: Now that we inverted the booking direction of :term:`returnable VAT`, it's the vat_account of a VAT rule (not the returnable_vat_account) that must be optional. And as a consequence we do not need the separate returnable_vat boolean any more. The :meth:`lino_xl.lib.ledger.PeriodRange.get_period_filter` now automatically adds a filter to ignore preliminary movements when a starting period is given. Note that this required a change to the method's signature. There were two bugs in :mod:`lino_book.projects.chatter` : :ticket:`3460` and :ticket:`3462`. I opened and did :ticket:`3459` (Move calendar view from "cal" to a separate plugin :mod:`lino_xl.lib.calview`). One consequence for data migration: DailyPlannerRow has moved from cal to calview En passant I removed Python 2 code whenever I saw it.