:date: 2019-12-26 =========================== Thursday, December 26, 2019 =========================== Cannot easily see whether invoices are registered ================================================= I worked on :ticket:`3430`. This was less easy than I had imagined. The basic plan is to change :meth:`Voucher.__str__` so that a voucher is displayed as journal, number and year (e.g. "SLS 1/2019") only when it is *registered*, and that otherwise the internal primary key is displayed ("#12345"). This change wasn't that easy because the match becomes valid only when the voucher state is set. Which means that we cannot call :meth:`get_default_match` during the process of registering when collecting the movements to generate. That's why I removed get_default_match and say now that `str(voucher)` or `str(voucheritem)` returns the match, and when collecting the movements, I set their match to the object itself, not a string. Django will call :meth:`str` on that object when it actually stores the movement. Is that hackerish? But it even fixed a problem with matches that was visible in :ref:`dg.plugins.search` but that nobody had noticed so far. Miscellaneous changes en passant: - New plugin attribute :attr:`lino_xl.lib.ledger.Plugin.registered_states`. - The :class:`lino_xl.lib.vat.MovementsByDeclaration` table now also shows the :term:`VAT class` of every ledger account, making diagnostics more intuitive. Hobbit says "RuntimeError: populate() isn't reentrant" ====================================================== I also worked on :ticket:`3178`. Oops, I saw that my quick fix yesterday (:meth:`Actor._get_handle `) broke everything. I can't store the handle instance only after setup because once a handle has been instantiated, subsequent calls to :meth:`_get_handle` should return that instance. They occur already during :meth:`setup_handle`. Which also means that this change is less probable to fix the problem. TIL : Having more than 20 years of experience as a developer doesn't exempt you from having to run the test suite before publishing a change, even if the change seems trivial. In the afternoon the original problem was again occurring on hobbit. I looked at the error logs and saw:: [Thu Dec 26 10:38:03.007191 2019] [wsgi:error] [pid 31665] [remote] mod_wsgi (pid=31665): Target WSGI script '/usr/local/python/.../apache/wsgi.py' does not contain WSGI application 'application'. The :xfile:`wsgi.py` scripts for hobbit and jane were still using the old approach using :xfile:`lino_local.py`. They said:: import sys ; sys.path.append('/usr/local/python') from lino_local import setup_wsgi ; setup_wsgi(globals()) And :file:`lino_local.py` contained:: def setup_wsgi(globals_dict,*args,**kw): filename = globals_dict['__file__'] home_dir,tail = split(dirname(abspath(filename))) assert tail == 'apache', "%r is not apache" % tail setup(home_dir, *args, **kw) #import django.core.handlers.wsgi #globals_dict.update(application=django.core.handlers.wsgi.WSGIHandler()) from django.core.wsgi import get_wsgi_application try: application = get_wsgi_application() globals_dict.update(application = application) except RuntimeError as e: print(e) print("Wsgi application is not yet ready") I changed them to what getlino does:: import os, sys sys.path.insert(0, '/usr/local/python') os.environ.setdefault("DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE", "lino_sites.hobbit.settings") from django.core.wsgi import get_wsgi_application application = get_wsgi_application() I also noted that the apache subdir of hobbit was not writable for www-data. Missing ``monit`` package in Debian Buster ========================================== In getlino I changed the debian dockerfile : FROM bullseye instead of from buster. Because I started to believe that indeed monit will never be in buster. Which raises the question of whether and how to upgrade a production site from buster to bullseye. Or should we rather use a `backport `__? Not sure, but the following two commands in the test suite were hanging and got reactivated after pressing ENTER twice:: . ~/lino/env/bin/activate && getlino startsite noi mynoi1 --batch --dev-repos "lino xl noi" ===== . ~/lino/env/bin/activate && getlino startsite cosi mycosi1 --batch --dev-repos "lino xl cosi" ===== Another bug in :mod:`lino_xl.lib.vat` ===================================== I found and fixed a bug in :mod:`lino_xl.lib.vat` : Lino didn't compute correctly when you defined a :class:`DeclarationField` with a condition on :attr:`DeclarationField.vat_classes` which mentioned only vat classes to be *excluded* (i.e. no VAT class without an "!"). Same for :attr:`DeclarationField.vat_columns` and :attr:`DeclarationField.vat_regimes`