:date: 2019-10-03 ========================= Thursday, October 3, 2019 ========================= PyPI release for :ref:`avanti` and upgraded their :term:`preview site`. 'PaymentOrder' object has no attribute 'your_ref' ================================================= .. currentmodule:: lino_xl.lib.ledger I worked on :ticket:`3236` ('PaymentOrder' object has no attribute 'your_ref') Reproducible in :mod:`lino_book.projects.cosi_ee`. Select organization "Garage Mergelsberg", go to the Accounting tab and click on "19 open movements (758.68 €)". I added a method :meth:`Voucher.get_movement_description` which is extended by :class:`lino_xl.lib.sepa.Payable` to also show the :attr:`lino_xl.lib.sepa.Payable.your_ref` field (unless it is empty). I saw a problem in the demo data which led to the discovery of a bug: Payment Orders were also suggesting negative payments (e.g. open sales invoices). The filter condition was not enough. I added a new filter parameter :attr:`ExpectedMovements.same_dc` and have it used by :class:`lino_xl.lib.finan.SuggestionsByPaymentOrder`. I had to change the signature of the :func:`get_due_movements` function because the new condition caused a :message:`TypeError: get_due_movements() got multiple values for argument 'dc'`. I opened a ticket for this: :ticket:`3251`. Also at least one more thing to show in a demo: the quick search field in booking suggestions (e.g. :class:`SuggestionsByPaymentOrder `) now works. This was :ticket:`3215`. Payment orders weren't cleared by bank statement in the :fixture:`demo_bookings` fixture. Code change: Whether a payment order generates individual counter entries (one per partner) no longer depends on :attr:`Account.needs_partner` but on whether the journal has a partner or not (whether :attr:`Journal.partner` is empty or not). TODO: remove Account.needs_partner and replace all usages to use Account.clearable instead. The two fields are now synonyms. Their difference has indeed always been mysterious... More issues and observations to meditate: - Consider a creditor for which a payment order has been registered, but that payment order is still pending (not yet cleared by a bank statement). Lino currently shows these creditors as debtors. Lino should know that being negative in certain accounts shouldn't count for the Debtors and Creditors report. - Some organizations are strictly speaking "creditors", but we are not used to show them in the list of creditors: e.g. banks and tax offices. - :ticket:`3236` is fixed, but the :attr:`Movements.description` field and :meth:`Voucher.get_movement_description` is probably not finished, maybe they don't always show enough information, or too much. PS: I committed above changes only the next day because the test suites required revision.