:date: 2019-09-16 ========================== Monday, September 16, 2019 ========================== Today I continued working on the migration script for the new weleup server. Converted their :xfile:`settings.py` to new syntax using :meth:`get_plugin_options `. Strange: they still have 6 data range warnings: - aids.IncomeConfirmation ['Datumsbereich 01.02.09...15.04.18 au<9F>erhalb der Laufzeit des Beschlusses 01.02.09...14.04.18.'] (1 object(s) with primary key 5428) - aids.IncomeConfirmation ['Datumsbereich 22.12.16...14.05.19 au<9F>erhalb der Laufzeit des Beschlusses 22.12.16...13.05.19.'] (1 object(s) with primary key 5534) - aids.RefundConfirmation ['Datumsbereich 15.03.19...15.03.19 au<9F>erhalb der Laufzeit des Beschlusses 01.06.15...12.03.19.'] (1 object(s) with primary key 5989) - aids.RefundConfirmation ['Datumsbereich 19.03.19...19.03.19 au<9F>erhalb der Laufzeit des Beschlusses 01.06.15...12.03.19.'] (1 object(s) with primary key 5990) - aids.RefundConfirmation ['Datumsbereich 18.03.19...18.03.19 au<9F>erhalb der Laufzeit des Beschlusses 14.03.19...17.03.19.'] (1 object(s) with primary key 5997) - aids.RefundConfirmation ['Datumsbereich 18.03.19...18.03.19 au<9F>erhalb der Laufzeit des Beschlusses 01.06.15...12.03.19.'] (1 object(s) with primary key 6002) Their :attr:`lino_welfare.modlib.aids.Plugin.no_date_range_veto_until` is 5343 and the refused confirmations are higher than this. So these confirmations have been created with the current version, which should have refused to save them. I'd like to interview the users in order to find out how they do this. I guess that they changed the Grant's date range after having issued a confirmation. The next problem is now that nobody can sign in via the web interface because LDAP authentication is not yet configured. Tomorrow I plan to work on this. I'd like to push them from the browser-based plain http authentication to Lino's session-based authentication because I think that it is better and that they will like it, but we also know that they are rather reluctant to every change. https://github.com/nginxinc/nginx-ldap-auth Should I simply move back from nginx to apache for their server, and then copy the old config files? No need to consult Nicolas. The disadvantage is that their server would be non-standard...