:date: 2018-11-02 ======================== Friday, November 2, 2018 ======================== I did some last optimizations in :mod:`lino_xl.lib.working`. The problem occured when a site was being reported whose :attr:`description ` was not empty. The description of some internal sites are not only not empty, their description also contain memo commands. Lino Tera continued =================== To fix :ticket:`2610`, I added a new user role :class:`lino_xl.lib.topics.roles.TopicsUser`. I converted the docs for :mod:`lino_xl.lib.topics` to prosa. There was no demo data yet about topics in tera. I updated :mod:`lino_tera.lib.tera.fixtures.demo`. I added a section "The detail view of a therapy" in :ref:`tera.specs.courses` in order to verify that :ticket:`2610` is fixed. I had a look at several new tickets reported by Gregor: :ticket:`2627`: The incorrect **City** is caused by :ticket:`2628`, an old and well-known but not reproducible bug. The **Age** field of patients is indeed empty in lydia. I checked :ref:`lino.specs.human`. Everything seems okay there. Some debuggin grevealed that the data is correctly passed, and :func:`my_loadRecord` in :xfile:`linoweb.js` correctly calls :func:`setValue` for the field. This is another reproducible bug that Hamza can fix in the extjs3 ui. How to reproduce: go lyldia, sign in as robin, select Contacts --> Patients, double click on some patient with a birth date, select the "Address" tab panel. The field "Age" is empty. :ticket:`2629` is caused by a problem in spzloader2 : `PAR->Name2` was not imported. :ticket:`2631` (VirtualField has no attribute get_col) GuestsByPartner.when :ticket:`2633` Database change in `lino_xl.lib.cal`: both GuestRole and EventType are now Referrable. The additional :attr:`ref` field won't disturb in :ref:`avanti` and :welfare` and :ref:`voga`. Of course the usage should be optional. When I ran tl2.py again, I saw some warnings that deserve investigation:: Ignored PLP {u'idpar2': u'S130272', u'type': u'75', u'seq': u'', u'idpar1': u'S130270'} : Invalid idpar2 Failed to save Enrolment(course_area=,course=2120131,pupil=2120130,request_date=2012-03-29,state=,places=1,guest_role=4) : {'__all__': [u'Enrolment with this Therapy and Person already exists.']} Cannot import session 107704 because there is no user VM More ideas for Lino Noi ======================= Tonis reported :ticket:`2624`, and he will work on it and then make the next release to Jane. I updated the release notes in :ref:`noi.coming`. I started :ticket:`2635`. Tonis did the release. :ticket:`2636` was a regression which lead to an improvement of the API: the chunks of text returned by :meth:`get_title_tags` can now be lazy translatable strings. I am a bit unhappy because I didn't find a way to write a test case that would have covered the problem.