:date: 2018-09-21 ========================== Friday, September 21, 2018 ========================== Why EIDRreader fails from behind a tunnel ========================================= I create a tunnel from port 8080 of my to their server using:: ssh -L 8080:custlino.example.com:80 johndoe@example.com In my :file:`/etc/hosts` I have:: custlino Then I open a browser on http://custlino:8080 to access their server. I have installed :ref:`eidreader`. In my browser I then ask to read an id card. The beid protocol handler will be called with a URL that looks like this:: beid://http://custlino:8080/eid/1234-5678-abcd EIDReader removes the "beid://" prefix and then uses the requests package which in turn uses the socket package which in the end will do something like this: >>> import socket >>> url = "custlino" >>> socket.getaddrinfo(url, 8080) [(2, 1, 6, '', ('', 8080)), (2, 2, 17, '', ('', 8080)), (2, 3, 0, '', ('', 8080))] >>> import requests So EIDReader finally will post to Maybe I just need to add '' to :setting:`ALLOWED_HOSTS` on their server? No, this wasn't a solution. To be continued.