:date: 2018-08-25 ========================= Saturday, August 25, 2018 ========================= A jobs database for free software ================================= I discovered https://www.fossjobs.net where we should post our job offers. One thing is that we probably need to reformulate our job offers. They have an intersting classification of the different responsibilities: - Administrators x - Writers & Editors x - Marketing & Sales x - Managers x - Testers x - Consultants x Belgium The follwing categories are probably less urgent for us: - Designers - Programmers - Researchers - Translators - Support Balance and result sheets continued =================================== Most of my yesterday thoughts about how to implement balance sheets are invalid. Here is a new version of my plans. We rename accounts.AccountTypes to sheets.CommonItems and add a database model sheets.Item and a system with a method per choice :meth:`get_object` to retrieve the Item object corresponding to a CommonItem (same system as we have already for CommonAccounts). Group.account_type and Account.type (currently AccountTypes fields) will become injected pointers to sheets.Item. accounts.AccountGroup will be renamed to sheets.ItemGroup. references to Account.group will be replaced by Account.sheet_item.group The :mod:`lino_xl.lib.sheets` plugin defines three models (Item, Sheet and Entry) and three choicelists (CommonItems, EntryType and SheetType). Not yet sure whether sheets should be vouchers or not. That's not relevant at the moment. Not yet sure whether we should continue to use groups or rather a hierarchized reference. I tend to remove them because a hierarchical reference is more intuitive to use and maintain. :: Item(Referrable) ref designation common_item mirror_item sheet_type Entry(Model): sheet item group entry_type Sheet(PeriodRange, UserAuthored) date_published CommonItem(ChoiceList): EntryType(ChoiceList): ('heading', 'value', and 'sum') SheetType(ChoiceList): ('balance' and 'result')