:date: 2018-07-13 ===================== Friday, July 13, 2018 ===================== Lino Tera advancing =================== Today I have been working on :ticket:`2364`. I finished to adapt the test suites and committed my yesterday's changes. I then moved :class:`SalesRule` from :mod:`lino_xl.lib.trading` to :mod:`lino_xl.lib.invoicing`. The former is being used e.g. in :ref:`cosi` where you create sales invoices but don't create them automatically. In that case you don't need an invoicing recipient. I ran :xfile:`tl2.py` many times on their production site, each time with some code changes pushed via github in projects :ref:`xl` and :ref:`tera`. That's the easiest way because the script runs for quite long, and their server is more powerful than my computer. About quantities ================ For Abdelkader I started a new page in the Developers Guide: :ref:`book.dev.quantities`. Some minor changes in the internal API of the :class:`lino_xl.lib.trading.InvoiceItem` model in order to simplify the examples. I noticed that the examples in the docstrings of :mod:`lino.utils.quantities` were not being tested.