:date: 2018-06-21 ======================= Thursday, June 21, 2018 ======================= I think I found a good answer to my questions on :doc:`0619` for :ticket:`2382` (Rendez-vous extérieurs visibles pour l'accueil) A new choicelist cal.PlannerColumns, a field EventType.planner_column, and a new table `DayPlanner` which displays calendar entries using these columns and one row per *time slot*. Something like this: ===== =============== ================ Time External Internal ===== =============== ================ 8:00 Jean, Luc 8:30 Mathieu 9:00 Robin 9:30 Jean ===== =============== ================ But how to configure the rows of that table? It should be configurable per site (not e.g. per user) and via the web interface. So we also need a new model PlannerRow. A planner row contains the threshold time and (potentially later) formatting instructions. I don't think we want a new plugin ("planner") for this. I just add them to the :mod:`lino_xl.lib.cal` plugin.