:date: 2018-05-15 ===================== Tuesday, May 15, 2018 ===================== Reporting what you do ===================== I reviewed the :ref:`devblog` page and moved it from the :ref:`writedocs` section to :ref:`lino.dev.team` because it is rather about teamwork than about documentation. A Kanban board for Jane ======================= I probably fixed :ticket:`2384` (Kanban for Jane) in a simple way: I changed :class:`lino_xl.lib.tickets.MyTicketsToWork` as follows: - now it shows tickets in an *active* state (having `active=True`) instead of those in a state having `show_in_todo=True`. - I changed order_by from `["priority", "-id"]` to `["state", "priority", "-id"]` (i.e. the tickets are sorted by their state in first place. This should not be a big problem since anyway the priority makes no sense when used across states. - I wrote a summary view which shows them grouped by state in an `