:date: 2018-04-26 ======================== Thursday, April 26, 2018 ======================== I did an upgrade on Jane because I needed the results of the new :class:`SitesByReport ` table. (I found out that the `eidreader` site caused 44 hours of work since January, a number I need for writing invoices. Three production sites are using this functionality.) The TicketsByReport table no longer shows the project ("Mission") but the site. The :ref:`cpaschatelet` users asked that user type 120 (and 420) should have permission to edit coachings whose author is another user. :class:`lino_xl.lib.coachings.Coaching` has its :attr:`manager_roles_required ` set to `{CoachingsStaff}`. Code change: - In :mod:`lino_welfare.modlib.welfare.user_types`, IntegrationAgentFlexible now inherits from IntegrationStaff (not just from IntegrationAgent). It was quite some work to adapt the test suites.