:date: 2018-03-13 ======================= Tuesday, March 13, 2018 ======================= Gerd reported :ticket:`2342` (ChangePassword action button has no help_text) and indeed: :func:`lino.core.utils.simplify_name` didn't simplify ``actions`` and ``mixins``. This change required me to run :cmd:`inv clean` followed by :cmd:`inv bd` in all projects so that my :xfile:`help_texts.py` files get rewritten. Because for example the help text of :attr:`lino_xl.lib.beid.mixins.BeIdCardHolder.nationality` is now stored under it new simplified name ``lino_xl.lib.beid.BeIdCardHolder.nationality``. And I also fixed an old ergonomy problem: the buttons in the [My settings] window were at the bottom instead of (as usual) at the top of the form. It was easier than I thought: we just must set `hide_navigator` on the default action instead of setting `hide_top_toolbar` on the actor. (TODO: document, optimize the names...)