:date: 2018-03-12 ====================== Monday, March 12, 2018 ====================== I released etgen version 0.0.4 because of failures on :ref:`travis` like `this one `__ in packages which don't declare a github snapshot in their :xfile:`requirements.txt`. I continued to repair the test suite of :ref:`welfare` after my changes for :ticket:`2330` and :ticket:`2333`. There is a subtlety to be considered when a plugin A is automatically being installed because it is needed by a plugin B which is itself being installed automatically because needed by a third plugin C: In this case, :meth:`A.get_menu_group ` should return C (and not B). A case where this happens is :mod:`lino_welfare.modlib.pcsw` which needs :mod:`lino_xl.lib.coachings` which in turn needs :mod:`lino_xl.lib.clients`.