:date: 2018-01-23 ========================= Tuesday, January 23, 2018 ========================= Some changes *en passant* during a release to a testlino: - When :attr:`quick_search_fields ` :attr:`quick_search_fields_digit ` contain names of non-existing fields, Lino now complains at startup. Until now we had an irritating traceback when the quick search was used. - The :class:`lino.modlib.changes.Change` model now has :attr:`show_in_site_search ` set to `False`. - :class:`lino_xl.lib.cal.ObsoleteEventTypeChecker` caused an AttributeError :message:`'NoneType' object has no attribute 'update_cal_event_type'` when an entry had an `auto_type` but no `owner`. I noted that this checker currently does not yield the ("Event type but {0} (should be {1}).") problem as fixable. Which AFAICS was a simple typo (actually we want it to set the event type), but I am not fully sure of this, so I leave the behaviour unchanged for now. release@jane ============ I updated our production server and played with :ticket:`2270`.