:date: 2017-11-24 ========================= Friday, November 24, 2017 ========================= Marketing work ============== I finised by blog entry `November 2017 `__ which summarizes (in German) the last weeks. I also updated the :ref:`community`, :ref:`hosters` and :ref:`developers` pages. Optimizations in :ref:`avanti` ============================== I continued with :ticket:`2157`. Teachers complain that the sorting order used for the guests of a calendar entry (which Lino fills from the enrolments of a course) is not always the same. And indeed, :class:`GuestsByEvent` has no :attr:`order_by`, so it inherits the one which is defined on :class:`Guests`:: order_by = ['event__start_date', 'event__start_time'] Which definitively is not what we want. Also the :class:`lino_avanti.lib.courses.PresencesByEnrolment` table had no :attr:`order_by` specified because it did not inherit from `cal.Guests`. So here we specify now manually:: order_by = ['event__start_date', 'event__start_time'] I added a merge action for Client, Person and Company. New field :attr:`lino_xl.lib.cal.EventType.transparent`. Wrote demo data (EventType "Internal") & adapted test suites. Optimizations in :ref:`tera` ============================ I started to write an import fixture for :ref:`tera` which imports their "notes" and "topics" from TIM (:ticket:`2162`). $ python manage.py loaddata i20171124 Release :ref:`avanti` ===================== manual data migration: - - coachings.CoachingEnding -> avanti.EndingReason - coachings.Coaching and coachings.CoachingType were empty Quick bugfixes en passant: - when an admin user acts as an auditor, then Lino showed the full names (i.e. did not simulate what the subst_user would see) - when cal.RecurrenceSet.max_events was 0, Lino did not remove all automatic events but used the site-wide default value.