:date: 2017-10-06 ======================= Friday, October 6, 2017 ======================= Difference in Service Report ============================ I fixed :ticket:`2098`. I added a new field `lino_xl.lib.tickets.Site.reporting_type`. This confirms that some day we will completely remove "tickets.Projects" (currently called "Missions") from :ref:`noi`. The only difference between project and site is that a site is not :class:`Hierarchical`. And after having removed the projects, we will probably rename "site" to "project". We go that detour because this direction wasn't visible when we started to move. New feature : :meth:`lino.core.choicelists.ChoiceList.field` now returns a DummyField when the plugin is not installed. Used for `ReportingTypes` Deploy to Jane, including a snapshot/restore. Optimizations for :ref:`tera` ============================= For :ticket:`2099` I added a new trade type "Bank payment orders" (internal name :attr:`TradeTypes.bank_po`). The field `Journal.partner` wasn't yet visible in :class:`JournalDetail`. Sorting order of :class:`lino_xl.lib.ana.InvoicesByJournal` was wrong. Deploy to :ref:`spz`. I had to do a database migration because new trade type had added a field :attr:`bank_po_allowed`. .. currentmodule:: lino_xl.lib.ledger That was because in the :xfile:`models.py` module of :mod:`lino_xl.lib.ledger` we currently do:: for tt in TradeTypes.objects(): dd.inject_field( 'accounts.Account', tt.name + '_allowed', models.BooleanField(verbose_name=tt.text, default=False)) It is used for limiting the choices for the account field during manual entry of an invoice. Actually this isn't a good approach since that field is absolutely useless. To prepare some other approach in the future, I added a new method :meth:`TradeType.get_allowed_accounts`. We already had a method :meth:`Journal.get_allowed_accounts`. Miscellaneous ============= The :xfile:`MANIFEST.in` of :ref:`vilma` contained some useless entries which caused warning messages during :cmd:`inv test`:: no previously-included directories found matching '.build'