:date: 2017-09-29 ========================== Friday, September 29, 2017 ========================== New option :attr:`auto_apply_params` ==================================== The problem in :class:`lino_xl.lib.ledger.AccountingReport` (see :doc:`0927`) is now fixed in a pragmatical way: changing a single parameter field no longer automatically triggers a refresh. You must explicitly click the refresh button to see your result. And when no starting period is given, the report just says "you must specify at least a starting period" instead of rendering a meaningless report. As a side effect this report now always uses the `appypdf` print method which produces the best result. Code changes: - New option :attr:`lino.core.actors.Actor.auto_apply_params`. - (side effect) I removed the :meth:`put_button` method from renderer and Request and from the :func:`Lino.put` in both :xfile:`linoweb.js` files. - :class:`lino.modlib.printing.actions.BasePrintAction` now supports the case that the printable object's :meth:`get_build_method ` returns a string. Until now this was allowed only for print actions. - a :class:`lino.utils.reports.Report` can now specify its print method. :attr:`build_method ` - As an experimental new feature we now have a :class:`ButtonElement`, and you can specify an action as a data element of a layout. Currently however this is quite limited since it works only for actions that have an explicit :attr:`js_handler`. And the only candidate action is :class:`ExplicitRefresh`, but this doesn't work because in :xfile:`linoweb.js` a parameter panel currently doesn't know the main panel it is sitting on and therefore the button cannot call the refresh method of that panel. I finally abandoned the idea of an explicit "Go!" button because (1) it turned out to be difficult to implement and (2) i realized that it wasn't a good idea. - I applied the changes in :mod:`lino.modlib.extjs` also to :mod:`lino_extjs6`. Default image size ================== The images produced by :rst:dir:`sigal_image` have now a hard-coded default width of 280 pixel. Until now they had no width specified, which meant that the result depended on the actual thumnbnail size.