:date: 2017-09-14 ============================ Thursday, September 14, 2017 ============================ Yesterday (:doc:`0913`, for :ticket:`2065`) I removed :class:`dd.NullCharField` after having read that Django now allows nullable CharField. And now I observed that this was not enough. I also had to adapt :meth:`lino.core.store.StoreField.form2obj` because now the field no longer takes care of handling the special situation. Fixed. Added a test case :mod:`lino_book.projects.adg.tests.test_nullchar` to cover this. release@spz =========== More optimizations: Therapists are now CourseTeacher role and see the MyCoursesGiven table. The teacher_model in :ref:`tera` is User, not Person. MyCoursesGiven did not yet support that. Welcome to Doti Sandhya Rani ============================ Doti Sandhya Rani, a Graduate Student at Texas State University, started to learn Lino with me as mentor. Welcome to the community, Doti! I reviewed the second chapter of the Developers Guide (:ref:`lino.tutorial.hello`) with Doti in mind. Lino on readthedocs =================== Uff, :ref:`book` now builds on readthedocs: http://lino.readthedocs.io Welfare failing on Travis ========================= I added a method :meth:`lino.utils.config.ConfigDirCache.scan_config_dirs`. I removed :func:`rt.relpath` and replaced it by an ellipsis because anyway it failed on `travis `__