:date: 2017-07-22 ======================= Saturday, July 22, 2017 ======================= I continued to work for :ticket:`1874`. Thanks to writing down :ref:`tera.specs.tim2lino` I understood that individual therapies shouldn't be implemented as `coachings.Coaching` but as `courses.Course`. Also partner lists go away, these are courses as well. :func:`lino.utils.mti.mtichild` was originally written for avanti, but now we need it in tera as well. Optimizations in Amici ====================== I deactivated the :func:`site_setup` function in :mod:`lino_xl.lib.contacts.models` which called :meth:`set_detail_layout` for :class:`lino_xl.lib.countries.Places`. That was an obsolete method which disturbed now because I want a custom layout in :ref:`amici`. And actually in every application which uses :mod:`lino_xl.lib.addresses` we actually want the new `AddressesByCity` table. This means that all applications which use :mod:`lino_xl.lib.contacts` should now define that `detail_layout` in their `custom_layouts` module. Might cause some coding work. The default value for :attr:`lino.modlib.checkdata.Plugin.responsible_user` must be set in :meth:`on_plugins_loaded`, not in :meth:`pre_site_startup`. Because otherwise we cannot override it in the Site's :meth:`setup_plugins` method.