:date: 2017-06-07 ======================= Wednesday, June 7, 2017 ======================= Avanti ====== I finished :ticket:`1877` and checked in my changes. (Manual tests are passing, automated tests are for later). DONE: - Pro Klient im Reiter Person noch freies Textfeld „Aufenthaltsgrund“ (einzeilig) und freies Textfeld „Bemerkungen“ (mehrzeilig) - Neues Feld "Zweite Staatsangehörigkeit" (für Fälle mit doppelter Staatbürgerschafft) - In Liste Kalendereinträge pro Klient sollte man bei Klick auf den Termin kommen, nicht auf alle Termine des Tages. - Bei den Listen „Kandidaten Kurse“ müsste das Geschlecht sichtbar -sein. -> Neue Kolonne client__gender in Einschreibungen - Tabelle "Meine Klienten" (d.h. nur die, deren Primärbegleiter ich bin) - Berufserfahrungen : "Firma" umändern nach "Arbeitsbereich". Felder Sektor, Funktion, start_date und end_date raus. - Wenn man 2x den gleichen Namen eingibt, sollte Lino eine Meldung machen. --> Dublettenkontrolle wie im Lino Welfare aktivieren. - Bei Studien start_date und end_date raus. - Bei Studien neues Feld "Originalsprache Diplom" (Auswahlliste) - Nach Handynummer suchen können. 0491. Aber Achtung: Leerzeichen, Punkte etc werden nicht ignoriert. Also *087/55.34.12* (klassisch) und *087 553412* (empfohlen) sind nicht das Gleiche. TALK: - Neues Ankreuzfeld "anzeigen im Dashboard" pro Kalendereintragsart, damit Einträge vom Type "Lektion" *nicht* angezeigt werden. Ich habe das Gefühl, dass das keine gute Lösung ist. Wenn schon, müsste man individuell pro Benutzer (oder pro Benutzerart) sagen können, ob man Lektionen sehen will oder nicht. Side effects: - New function :func:`atelier.utils.is_string` - I created a new plugin :mod:`lino.modlib.dupable` which does the same as :mod:`lino.mixins.dupable` and :mod:`lino_welfare.modlib.dupable_clients` but using a GenericForeignkey. Which simplifies things greatly. (TODO: convert Welfare so that it uses the new plugin). - New rules for the default handling of quick search text: if you want to locate a row using its primary key, you must now prefix your search text with "#". If you want to locate a row using its *reference*, you must now prefix your search text with "*". The quick_search_fields for contacts.Partner now include phone and gsm. Lino as a CalDAV server ======================= Google offers a feature for reading "external" calendars. But: External calendar feeds ("Add from URL") in Google Calendar update very slowly, usually around 24 hours. Clicking the "Refresh" link in Google Calendar does not refresh the Other Calendars feeds, so events added to external calendars may not show on the user's Google Calendar for a long time. An item added just after the automatic refresh is performed would not be shown to the user for nearly 24 hours. mfarrow, Jan 2010, in `Feature Request: Manual Refresh of external calendar URL / .ics / iCal feeds `__ with comments like I cannot believe this feature isn't implemented yet? C'mon, Google! I need this! Or I can see why Google would be reluctant to implement some type of scheduling or even an update everytime the google calender is accessed for the probably hundreds o thousands of calenders that have been added by users. This would cost resources. A manual update option would not be as costly but could be (ab)used by other software creating the same problem. What absolutely could and should do with very little effort is to make sure that Android can by itself subscribe to .ics files. This will bypass Gmail which might not be in your interest but if that is an issue of your concern or if you dont like the solution consider allowing Gmail as a simple passthrough for the URL to Android. Also thpope asked in April 2009 `Why does it take so long for Google Calendar to refresh iCal links? `__ Or here: Google Calendar is not a CalDAV client (and not even a CalDAV server anymore). It's just an HTTP client with read-only access to icalendar files, you won't be able to edit these calendars (`liZe in Jul 2016 `__) We don't know whether the users have Android phones or iPhones. **Conclusion** : Google does actually *not* collaborate with a CalDAV server. This reduces our motivation of turning Lino into one. At the moment it would give no visible advantage to turn Lino into a CalDAV server.