:date: 2017-03-14 ======================= Tuesday, March 14, 2017 ======================= Tonis and I had our first live extreme programing session (sitting together in front of one computer). We worked on :mod:`lino_xl.lib.mailbox`. Note:: warning: CRLF will be replaced by LF in lino_xl/lib/mailbox/fixtures/team.mbox. The file will have its original line endings in your working directory. Running git operations on more than one repository ================================================== With Tonis we discovered the need for :ticket:`1575`. I had work for Avanti (:ticket:`1575`) started and now wanted to put this work into a branch in order to work with Tonis on :ticket:`1556`. Basically nothing easier that his:: $ git checkout -b working_on_1547 $ git status $ git add ... $ git ci -m "20170313" $ git checkout master The problem is that I had to do this in 7 repositories. My first implementation is a special handling in :cmd:`per_project` : when the first command to execute is ``git``, then :cmd:`per_project` now skips all projects which don't have their :envvar:`revision_control_system` set to ``'git'``. Merge working_on_1547 to master =============================== I merged the `working_on_1547` branches of 7 projects to master. Seeing the status of my projects ================================ I changed the output of the :cmd:`pp -l` command so that it now shows the "Status" of each project: which branch is active, and an "!" if the repository is dirty (has local modifications). The status is empty for projects having :envvar:`revision_control_system` something else than git.