:date: 2016-12-16 ========================= Friday, December 16, 2016 ========================= I fixed a bug which I introduced on :doc:`1123` and which caused the insert window to be read-only in certain cases. More precisely the insert window of tables which had no separate `insert_layout`, i.e. which use their `detail_layout` for both detail window and insert window. The bug was in :mod:`lino.modlib.extjs.ext_renderer`:: if dh.layout._formpanel_name.endswith('.InsertFormPanel'): yield " default_record_id: -99999," This test was in :meth:`js_render_FormPanelSubclass`, which was one step too early. It is now in :meth:`js_render_detail_action_FormPanel` where it looks at the action, and not at the name of the panel:: if isinstance(action.action, InsertRow): yield " default_record_id: -99999,"