:date: 2016-12-07 =========================== Wednesday, December 7, 2016 =========================== Fixed several bugs in :file:`tinymce.js` which caused a JavaScript errors when calling a dialog action (which needs a `ParameterActionForm`) from a href action link in the dashboard (i.e. with `containing_panel` being null). One of them was already in :meth:`refresh_with_after`, another came when trying to save because the `Lino.RichTextPanel` class defined there had no method :meth:`getValue`, which caused a :message:`Uncaught TypeError: f.getValue is not a function` in :func:`Lino.fields2array`. In :func:`lino.utils.jsgen.py2js` I had a problem with a dict containing a mixture of unicode and :class:`future.types.newstr` objects. This was probably caused by my changes last week (:doc:`1202`), but obvioulsy not covered by any test. Specifying default value of a ChoiceList field ============================================== The new :mod:`lino_noi.lib.noi.workflows` module is an interesting example of a subtle problem. When defining workflows, it is good to have them (a) defined in a place where it makes sense and (b) have them replaceable. Keep in mind that some future application of your code might want to replace your workflow. There is a new possibility for specifying the *default* default value for *all* :class:`ChoiceListField ` of a :class:`ChoiceList `: by setting a :attr:`lino.core.choicelists.ChoiceList.default_value`. But I don't recommend it. I also added a new meth :meth:`as_callable ` on the *ChoiceList* class (not on the *Choice*). Instead of saying:: state = MyStates.field(default=MyStates.foo.as_callable) I now recommend saying:: state = MyStates.field(default=MyStates.as_callable('foo')) The advantage is that the application code does not need to define a default items for a choicelist. I changed the default value for :attr:`lino.core.choicelists.ChoiceList.max_length` from 1 to 10. I worked on :ticket:`1286`: The new site attribute :attr:`lino.core.site.Site.use_new_unicode_symbols` enables us to easily toggle between two series of symbols. Getting websockets to run on a production server ================================================ Hamza and I worked on :ticket:`923`. While the ticket seems to be solved on a development server, there is still the problem that django-channels and websockets is a lot of configuration work on a production server. It starts `here `__, but we did not yet reach the end. Install the Redis backend:: $ pip install -U asgi_redis Install the redis server:: $ sudo apt-get install redis-server Install two more supervisor jobs. Everything seems to work, but then Apache... $ sudo a2enmod proxy_wstunnel We now still have Javascript errors:: WebSocket connection to 'wss://mysite.lino-framework.org/websocket/' failed: Error during WebSocket handshake: Invalid status line Or their equivalent on the apache :xfile:`error.log`:: [Wed Dec 07 11:03:01.966228 2016] [ssl:error] [pid 13093] [remote] AH01961: SSL Proxy requested for mysite.lino-framework.org:443 but not enabled [Hint: SSLProxyEngine] [Wed Dec 07 11:03:01.966294 2016] [proxy:error] [pid 13093] AH00961: WSS: failed to enable ssl support for (mysite.lino-framework.org) :func:`py2js` and `dict` with `newstr` keys =========================================== :ticket:`1300` (:func:`py2js` and `dict` with `newstr` keys) was not yet fixed. Now it seems to be fixed. Here is a script I wrote in order to understand: .. literalinclude:: 1207.py Default `button_text` for workflow actions ========================================== Yet another little optimization: workflow transition actions (:class:`ChangeStateAction `) now inherit the `button_text` of their target state. There is at least one side effect: the :attr:`workflow_actions` column of a calendar event now also uses symbols and no longer the action label. For example **Notified** → [Close meeting] [Cancel] [Reset] becomes **Notified** → [☑] [☉] [☐] Checked in first draft of new workflow for :ref:`noi` ===================================================== Before flying to Malta I wanted to have it published: I committed my first draft of the new workflow for :ref:`noi`. I pushed it directly to master, without defining a branch There are some known problems: - :ref:`welfare` test suite needs to be adapted - we need to write a migrator before we can deploy this to our own Noi. - We must review :class:`lino.modlib.users.mixins.Assignable` because the `AssignToMe` action no longer works like this. Or at least we don't need this in :ref:`care`. Maybe they need it in :ref:`welfare`. Maybe rename `Assignable` to `Takeable` and leave only the `TakeAuthorship` action. -