:date: 2016-12-01 ========================== Thursday, December 1, 2016 ========================== Voting ====== I wrote a new plugin :mod:`lino_noi.lib.votes` which is going to replace :mod:`lino_xl.lib.stars` (:ticket:`831`). And it is also going to implement what Johannes and I called "ticket help offers" (:ticket:`1285`) on :doc:`last Friday <1125>`. The first description of this idea was: A new plugin "votes" : users can manage their "wish lists". A wish is when a given user has an opinion about a given ticket (a personal priority and an optional remark). There is at most 1 wish per user and ticket. This is similar to the existing stars plugin. But unlike a star it is not a simple on/off toggle. And then I wouldn't use a GFK but a simple FK to an app-specific model (the Plugin.voted_model). Also a new field `voting_weight` per user - this would enable us to automatically compute the priorities of a todo list! Code changes: - New package :mod:`lino_noi.lib.votes` - Moved the :attr:`rating ` field from Ticket to Vote. - Adapted some dependencies and test suites in :ref:`presto`. - Wrote a migrator which converts existing `stars.Star` objects into `votes.Vote` objects. - Started using new date-based versioning system: 2016.12.0 TODO: - Voters should be notification recipients. Miscellaneous ============= - Fixed a bug causing an error message after creating Enrolment - Fixed a bug in new dashboard caused by StatusReport not having preview_limit - The :manage:`initdb` command now works on InnoDB tables (sets `foreign_key_checks` to 0 before running :manage:`migrate` and :manage:`loaddata`). Fixed the duplicate entry bug ============================= I reproduced (in :mod:`lino_voga.projects.roger.tests.test_faggio`) and fixed a bug which was probably the main reason for :ticket:`1280`: when the *first* automatic event of a series had been manually rescheduled to another date, then the second lesson came on that date a well (instead of getting the next available date). Deployed :ref:`voga` 2016.12.0 to :ref:`eiche`. In order to reproduce it, I also tried to run their data on my machine. Which revealed :ticket:`1293`:: django.db.utils.OperationalError: (1193, "Unknown system variable 'storage_engine'") Setting up a new VPS ==================== :ticket:`1294` (AH01630: client denied by server configuration) : This message in the Apache :xfile:`error.log` came because I had copied an Apache 2.2 config file to an Apache 2.4 system. With Apache 2.4 the conf files need upgrading. See [url http://httpd.apache.org/docs/2.4/upgrading.html#run-time].