:date: 2016-11-25 ========================= Friday, November 25, 2016 ========================= Hamza working on ExtJS 6 ======================== Yesterday evening, Hamza and I had a 70 minutes Skype session about :ticket:`1252` (Cannot edit the start_time of a clocking.Session in a Grid panel). We did not find a solution. At midnight I left Hamza alone and went to sleep. And this morning I saw that he found the solution only 16 minutes after our meeting! Congratulations :-) A new Johannes for Lino Care ============================ Cool: :ref:`care` has a new actor. Some weeks ago, Johannes and Anna (the two main actors of Lino Care) received the visit of a young man whose name is also Johannes and who offered his help as a volunteer for the project. And this second Johannes has years of experience as a web designer. The new Johannes says that a web application in 2016 must have a reactive and intuitive user interface. So, of course he didn't like Lino at first glance. Lino is optimized for people who get a few hours of training before they start using it. His first reaction was the plan of writing a better front-end soon. I am not sure whether that will happen --his motivation for the project has rather ethical than commercial reasons-- but he will certainly bring plenty of good ideas. Today was our second meeting, and I can already confirm that he is a good scenario designer. Together we discovered that the Lino Care database schema is lacking the concept of "help offers" (i.e. when a user declares that he wants to work on a ticket). And I guess that this concept will also be useful in the standard Lino Noi. Continued on :doc:`1201`.