:date: 2016-09-09 ========================= Friday, September 9, 2016 ========================= The badges ========== I changed the markup for showing the "badges" in the :xfile:`setup_info.py` files of :ref:`lino`, :ref:`xl` and :ref:`book`. Instead of defining a lot of ``.. image::`` directives, I use a single ``.. raw:: html`` directive. This is mainly to avoid warnings when building the doc tree (so that I can set :attr:`inv.tolerate_sphinx_warnings` back to `False`). Another benefit is that the code gets less complex because we define everything in one place and don't need to invent additional unique names. Last optimizations for :ref:`care` ================================== Today I finished the list of optimizations after my last meeting with :ref:`annalisa` for :ticket:`1128` (at least those which I should implement ASAP). Deploy to :ref:`lf` =================== 16.16 (GMT+2) : I did an upgrade on :ref:`lf`. Sorry if you had slow response times. Newbie documentation ==================== The :cmd:`inv test_sdist` command ================================= The :cmd:`inv test_sdist` command is failing in :ref:`noi`. The problem is that I don't know how to explain to pip what I want: - for all *my* projects, install the version at :attr:`inv.sdist_dir` - for all external projects, use PyPI I tried with:: $ pip install -f SDIST_DIR lino-noi which ``lino-noi`` from SDIST_DIR, but ``lino`` and ``lino-xl`` are installed from PyPI despite the fact that there is also an archive file for them in SDIST_DIR. I tried with:: $ pip install --no-index -f SDIST_DIR --extra-index-url https://pypi.python.org/simple lino-noi which fails because it never looks up PyPI, even external packages:: Collecting lino-noi Collecting lino-xl (from lino-noi) Collecting appy (from lino-xl->lino-noi) Could not find a version that satisfies the requirement appy (from lino-xl->lino-noi) (from versions: ) No matching distribution found for appy (from lino-xl->lino-noi) What else can I try?! I asked this on https://github.com/pypa/pip/issues/3959