:date: 2016-08-28 ======================= Sunday, August 28, 2016 ======================= Lino Care moving forward ======================== During our meeting on :doc:`Thursday <0825>` for :ref:`care` I collected some more ideas for :ticket:`1128`. (I'll continue on the following list :doc:`tomorrow <0829>`.) DONE: - `UserDetail` - remove useless fields addr1, street_prefix, ... - To-Do-Liste anzeigen im Hauptbildschirm - TicketDetail : clocking.SessionsByTicket only for Workers. This was caused by a bug (a missing ``e.add_requirements(*de.required_roles)`` ) in :mod:`lino.modlib.extjs.elems` which I also fixed in :mod:`lino_extjs6.extjs.elems`. TODO: - Add a button for sending a welcome mail to new users. - Users must be able to say whether they want to get notified by email. - New user profile "Collector" (Bittensammler) - Einfache Benutzer sollen selbst ihre eigenen Tickets nicht löschen können. - Collect feedback: the reporter of a ticket should be able (and invited) to evaluate a ticket when it has been done. New field `rating` (Excellent, Good, Okay, Suboptimal, Bad). - Site admins should be able to see a history and make statistics about how many tickets have been requested, done, evaluated etc. - Simple users should be able to write comments. The "Office" menu should come back for them, but should come after the "Pleas" menu in the main menu toolbar. TALK: - Einen Vorschlag ablehnen können. IOW add a possibility to "refuse" a suggestion. - Add a "geographical location" per ticket? Do we need the `site` field in its current meaning (in :ref:`care`)? - Do we need a new model "Promise (user, ticket, date_taken, date_done, evaluation)"? New tickets: - Ask new users to confirm their email address (:ticket:`1149`) - Usability from a smartphone (:ticket:`1148`)